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2-FEA & 3-FEA Pellets (3PHORIA)

Ratings from 37 reviews

Produced by Lizard Labs

This Product has been Discontinued

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2/3 FEA (3PHORIA) is a popular and carefully selected blend of 2-FEA (40mg) and 3-FEA (120mg) both of the amphetamine class, pressed in to convenient 160mg pellets. This blend has been reported to produce great research results in line with many other classic stimulants.

What is 2-FEA?

2-FEA is an amphetamine class stimulant and closely related to 2-FMA also known as 2-Fluorethamphetamine. The outcomes after scientific research of 2-FEA are different stimulations and euphoria. 2-FEA, in theory, effectively increases levels of monoamine, neurotransmitters, dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin.

What is 3-FEA?

3-Fluoroethamphetamine (also known as 3-FEA) is a novel ring-substituted amphetamine compound that produces a mixture of entactogenic and stimulant effects when administered. 3-FEA is structurally related to a series of designer fluorinated substituted amphetamines that originally included compounds such as 2-FA, 2-FMA, 3-FA, 4-FMA, 4-FA.

Like its parent compound 3-FA, the pharmacological, toxicological, and subjective effects of 3-FEA in humans have yet to be mapped out in detail. Anecdotal reports have characterised 3-FEA as a moderately potent serotonin-dominant triple monoamine releaser that produces a mixture of entactogenic and mild stimulating effects.

3-FEA has an extremely short history of human recreational use. Due to its potent psychostimulant effects, likely habit-forming properties, and unknown toxicity profile, it is strongly recommended that one use proper harm reduction practices if using this substance.

Chemical Properties

3-FEA, or 3-fluoroethamphetamine, is a synthetic molecule of the amphetamine chemical class. Molecules of the amphetamine class contain a phenethylamine core comprised of a phenyl ring bound to an amino (NH2) group through an ethyl chain substituted with a methyl group at Rα (i.e. amphetamines are alpha-methylated phenethylamines).

3-FEA is the 3-position fluorinated analog of ethylamphetamine (also known as ethamphetamine). It is also an analog of fenfluramine with the 3-trifluoromethyl group replaced with a 3-fluoro substituent.

Pharmacological effects

Although 3-FEA has not been formally studied on the same level as traditional amphetamines, it is currently assumed that like other substituted amphetamines with substitutions at similar positions, it most likely acts primarily as a triple reuptake inhibitor and/or releaser of the monoamine neurotransmitters serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine.

It has been demonstrated that compared to the unsubstituted ethylamphetamine, 3-fluoroethamphetamine is a weaker releaser of dopamine, but a stronger releaser of both serotonin and norepinephrine, producing the strongest reinforcing effects in animal studies out of a range of 3-substituted amphetamine derivatives tested, despite not being the most potent dopamine releaser.

This indicates that 3-FEA effectively increases the levels of all the three major monoamine neurotransmitters dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin in the brain by acting as a releasing agent of said neurotransmitters and/or by binding to and partially blocking the transporter proteins that normally clear those molecules from the synaptic cleft after they have fulfilled their function of conducting a neural impulse. This transporter blockade allows these molecules to accumulate within core synaptic regions of the brain to extra-endogenous levels, resulting in a combination of relaxing, stimulating, disinhibiting and euphoric effects associated with entactogenic substituted amphetamines such as MDMA or 4-FA.

Some of the most commonly reported effects are:.

  • Sedation & Stimulation
  • Perception of bodily heaviness
  • Spontaneous bodily sensations
  • Physical euphoria
  • Tactile enhancement

Some of the potential side-effects include:

  • Abnormal heartbeat
  • Increased heart rate
  • Increased blood pressure
  • Increased perspiration
  • Temperature regulation suppression
  • Headaches
  • Vasoconstriction
  • Dehydration
  • Dry mouth
  • Difficulty urinating
  • Appetite suppression
  • Pupil dilation
  • Teeth grinding
  • Diarrhea


3-FEA is classified as illegal in:

  • Austria
  • Canada
  • Germany
  • New Zealand
  • Switzerland
  • United Kingdom

This list is not exhaustive, so do your own research into the legal status in your country before ordering!

All products are strictly for research purposes only and not for human consumption.

Store in a cool, dry place away from sunlight. Lysergamides and Tryptamines should be kept below 20'c where possible

Product Name: 2-FEA & 3-FEA FEA Pellets (3PHORIA)

Active ingredients: 2-FEA hydrochloride (40 mg), 3-FEA hydrochloride (120 mg)

Other ingredients: MCC, colloidal silicon dioxide, sodium starch glycolate, sodium stearyl fumarate, E102

2-FEA hydrochloride information:

Other Name(s): 2-fluoroethamphetamine hydrochloride

IUPAC Name: 1-(2-fluorophenyl)-2-ethylaminopropane hydrochloride


Molar Mass: 217.7 g/mol

3-FEA hydrochloride information:

Other Name(s): 3-fluoroethamphetamine hydrochloride

IUPAC Name: 1-(3-fluorophenyl)-2-ethylaminopropane hydrochloride


Molar Mass: 217.7 g/mol

SKU: 2&3-FEA-HCL Categories: , Tags: , , , ,
Read Reviews

37 reviews for 2-FEA & 3-FEA Pellets (3PHORIA)

  1. Alexandra Procházková (verified owner)

    Paráda. Doporučuju vzít jen jednu peletu, jinak hrozí křeče do huby. Hodně energický, zlepšuje náladu.

  2. Bakugan11 (verified owner)

    Můžu jedině doporučit. Snad budou opět skladem a určitě objednávám znova!

  3. MPEV (verified owner)

    Tomé una pill y 3/4 porque hacía pocos días había consumido mdma.
    La subida me tuvo bastante mareado y luego los efectos del viaje me hicieron estar muy hablador y algo enérgico. No pude dormir apenas en los siguientes dos días. Le doy un 3/5

  4. Psydavos (verified owner)

    Great stuff, 1/4 is easy to handle and good for starters, taking 1 will be pretty intense if not experienced. Taste isn’t vile, according to rats. Shipping is fast, quality is top.

  5. dani.dbm (verified owner)

    Tiene un efecto energizante y hablador, con las demas personas, has de tener en cuenta tu aceleración al tomarlo.

  6. Robert Lufinka (verified owner)

    This is great mix, but be careful with dosage! Take only small pieces of pill, maybe even less then 1/4. You mood will be lifted significantly, not too high, but comedown will be manageable. Sometimes less is better then more 😉

  7. Tula (verified owner)

    rýchlo prišli , spokojnosť, krysiam stačí len 1 ! odprúčam !

  8. Diego (verified owner)

    bastante bueno

  9. Melounek (verified owner)

    Testoval jsem za jednu noc 2x tuto peletu plus 2xblue bliss (co hodinu půl a půl od každé) .Noc byla moc fajn ,ale to ráno už tak ani ne. Opatrně s dávkováním.

  10. cernyfilip03 (verified owner)

    Great compound, very similliar to MDMA. Also product arrived in 4 days!

  11. Tula (verified owner)

    spokojnosť ! krysy boli potešené ! doručenie na Slovensko za pár dní ! Odporúčam !

  12. ogvoicek (verified owner)

    Produkt v pořádku dorazil do České republiky v rychlosti blesku.
    Velmi dobrá učinnost, mazlíčci nemohli 2 noci spát, po 3 peletách a ráno vše po vyspání v pořádku. Nedoporučuje se kombinace alkoholu.

  13. ryoyanzilla (verified owner)

    Arrived in 6days in Czech.
    Dosing half pellet made me focus and forget depression.
    A lot similar to Ritalin but strong hit.
    Gonna buy again!

  14. A1

    I use it for brain fog, only 1/4-1/3 of this +a massive amount of caffeine and b12 👌, then again more caffeine later
    (But the day i use it i only read and read and kinda forget i should eat or sleep….

  15. BoogieWoogie (verified owner)

    Kolegové krysáci, dávejte bacha na dávkování. Pilule jsou dost silný, byť tady v komentářích píšou něco jiného. Stav po první byl úžasný (dobrá nálada, upovídanost, na tancování supr). Problém přišel s druhou kterou jsem si vzal při dojíždění první. Stav naprosté křeče (celého těla a hlavně huby), dezorientace, naprostý problém se dojít vychcat (horší jak na tripu), bolest srdce. Dojezd druhý den byl naprostá katastrofa (hlavně po fyzické stránce). Takže jedna je až až. Poměr cena/výkon je dobrý. Za 100 Kč supr věc. Doručení balíčku taky bez problémů, vše dobře zabalené. ✌️

  16. ZioTanos (verified owner)

    devo dire che non mi ha molto colpito in quanto cercavo una carica sì ma l’effetto che ti da la sostanza è troppo pesante, insieme alla carica arriva anche una nausea pazzesca nei primi 30 minuti o 1 ora, poi passa. se volete energia consiglio altro come 2cb fly…

  17. Decak (verified owner)

    Absolutly great stuff
    Take 1 – great high
    Take 1,5 – its really hard to handle and your hearth rate will increase for a day

  18. Jeremy Ford (verified owner)

    First time ordering from Chemical Collective. Very very impressed. Great customer service, very fast delivery, packaging is very nice. 3Phoria – very nice product. Massive pills very well pressed. Kicks in really fast and goes on and on. Very surprised, well done Chemical Collective! I will be back for more!

  19. JuJuDTC (verified owner)

    vraiment bien sympa , pas le vieux coup de ” foisse ” d’en temps .
    une bonne experience pour mes recherche 5/5

  20. chabbayabba (verified owner)

    Lab rats LOVED this. Very social, talkative trip, not too intense, have a slight rolly effect. Rats also redosed, and the trip went on and was still awesome, but because of it comedown was a bit longer and harsher, so if you can – don’t redose. All time fav is 6apb , this comes second. <3

  21. pitrpikr (verified owner)

    Took a half of a pellet. It had a fast comeup, about 30 minutes. Kept me high for about 5 hours. It was not bad but in comparison with other stuff from here I tried I have to give it one star less than I gave to other products. About other products I told myself that I will try again sometime but this one did not made me feel that way.

  22. Vash

    Snorted 2, the euphoria is great and the comedown is very mild and slow. Definetly one of the better things I have tried, the day after I still have an afterglow instead of feeling absolutely destroyed.

  23. lgost (verified owner)

    J’aime bien l’effet. Le voyage est assez linéaire et pas trop violent, mais il maintien en forme.

  24. Annoyingpeopleonelectricscooters (verified owner)

    Good product at first , but you need to want to up the dose easily with that kind of amphetamines / the days after taking that are usually awfull

  25. Zer7 (verified owner)

    bad effect :-/

  26. Eman0n (verified owner)

    It’s more “speedy” than “molly”, and the effect could be stronger..
    But the price is low so if your rats like amphets, well it’s still a good deal 🙂

  27. guaposlokos (verified owner)

    Me han gustado mucho, un efecto muy similar al M 😉😉😉

  28. Disgie

    Interesting and very nice product! Very quick and easy shipping and reception Interesting fact: our group of rats couldn’t sleep for almost 2 nights after taking 2 pellets each. No bad mood day after so it’s very OK. Many thanks! ❤️

  29. RealPolda (verified owner)

    very interesting product but in my opinion it is better to crush and sniff it…

  30. aski12345a

    No es lo mejor pero está muy bien

  31. Shaun

    Keep active when taking and the buzz is great , like all stims , will try again

  32. Shulg (verified owner)

    Product have nothing special or exceptional. Serotoninergic effects, euphoria very short lasting, then quite long and straight and residual stimulation.
    I guess the 2-FEA is added in those pellets to conteract the stoning and setadive rolly type of the 3-FEA, this one being mainly acting releasing serotonin.
    Very straight pills, they’re working but nothing special or original.

  33. SuicideCommando (verified owner)

    Personally, I did not like the product.
    Energy 2 out of 5.
    The next day, it is very difficult to recover. The condition is dead, wadded. Appetite is completely absent.
    And most importantly, the heart. Huge load. The second day is trying to escape from the chest.
    I’m not new to this business. And this is purely my point of view.
    Thank you for understanding!
    ps: It is better to take two tablets at once) With one, a weak effect

  34. Arantir (verified owner)

    Great product. Ideal for experimenting with ADHD treatment alternatives.

  35. otrev (verified owner)

    Very interesting product. I liked It so much.

  36. Nilhuse721

    The sample i received was very interesting, a bit low maybe, should experience 2 of them at once i guess ! 😉 Great products CC !

  37. oolukooluk

    Tres bien!!!

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