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Kratom Tea

Kratom’s effects include pain relief and mood enhancement. If you want to buy kratom but are concerned about its addiction potential, tea is an excellent way of getting its benefits with a much lower potential for addiction.

If you would like to learn more about kratom, you can read our in-depth article about seperating myth from reality and our article about kratom and coffee.

To brew, use 1-4 tea bags (we recommend inexperienced users start with 1) into a thermos flask (this is important to retain heat during the brewing process), and add juice from around half to a whole lemon (this is very important to get the full potency from your tea), pour in boiling water and leave to steep for 20 minutes.

Our kratom tea is AKA (American Kratom Association) & cGMP (Current Good Manufacturing Practice) certified, and then third-party lab tested for purity.

Showing all 7 results

Lemon Lime Red Bali | Kratom Tea Bags 19.50
Thai Energy Green Ashwagandha Blend | Kratom Tea Bags 19.50
Green OG Bali│Kratom Tea Bags 17.20
White Borneo│Kratom Tea Bags


White Borneo│Kratom Tea Bags 14.95
Strawberry Green OG Bali│Kratom Tea Bags


Strawberry Green OG Bali│Kratom Tea Bags 16.95
Passion Fruit White Borneo│Kratom Tea Bags


Passion Fruit White Borneo│Kratom Tea Bags 16.95
Passion Fruit Maeng Da Morning Blend│Kratom Tea Bags


Passion Fruit Maeng Da Morning Blend│Kratom Tea Bags 11.95
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