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Pink Star Pellets/Blue Bliss Pellets

Ratings from 41 reviews

Produced by Lizard Labs

To be banned (Gone = Gone)

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Pink Star Pellets – also known as The Borax Combo or NeXTC – are comprised of a carefully selected combination of the Phenethylamines 5-MAPB (70mg) and 2-FMA (20mg) and the Tryptamine 5-MeO-MiPT (2mg).

Blue Bliss pellets are also modelled after The Borax Combo. These pellets contain 80mg 5-MAPB, 20mg 2-FMA and 3.5mg 4-HO-MET.

These pellets are based on a combination of chemicals first suggested in a now-infamous Reddit post by the user u/Borax on how to “replicate the MDMA experience with less neurotoxicity using unscheduled compounds”. There is now an entire subreddit based on his original post.

Many researchers believe this combination to be less neurotoxic and longer lasting than MDMA, with a much gentler post-research experience, while still exhibiting all the classic stimulative, euphoric, empathogenic and slightly psychedelic effects.

If any researchers wish to learn more about 5-MAPB and other benzofurans (and specifically how they compare to MDMA), we highly recommend reading the 2020 study “Beyond ecstasy: Alternative entactogens to 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine with potential applications in psychotherapy“.

All products are strictly for research purposes only and not for human consumption.

Store in a cool, dry place away from sunlight. Lysergamides and Tryptamines should be kept below 20'c where possible

Blue Bliss Pellets

Active Ingredients: 5-MAPB fumarate (80mg), 2-FMA hydrochloride (20mg), 4-HO-MET (3.5mg)

Other Ingredients: MCC, colloidal silicon dioxide, sodium starch glycolate, sodium stearyl fumarate, E131

Pink Star Pellets

Active Ingredients: 5-MAPB fumarate (70mg), 2-FMA hydrochloride (20mg), 5-MeO-MiPT (2mg)

Other Ingredients: MCC, colloidal silicon dioxide, sodium starch glycolate, sodium stearyl fumarate


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41 reviews for Pink Star Pellets/Blue Bliss Pellets

  1. giulio (verified owner)

    I really like the strange feeling of blue bliss, but I’d have to research more

  2. paraotrascosis (verified owner)

    Banned pills? They’re not going to sell them anymore? It was the best! What happened?

  3. Alexandra Procházková (verified owner)

    Top kvalita, rychlé dodání.
    Blue Bliss je top strop, stačí jedna peleta na celou noc. Už po hodině je morčátko více komunikativní a celkově šťastnější.

  4. Maria TeHasPasado (verified owner)

    He hecho un nuevo pedido con otra cuenta y no me ha llegado el producto. No contestan a mi mail y he perdido el dinero y tiempo. Una decepción total. No recomiendo volver a comprar aquí. Me siento estafada

  5. Pedrito

    Thank you for this mixture. It is made with the exact amount of bliss that you need for your life. If you want to dance, just dance like nobody is watching you/ If you want to talk to strangers, just go for it/ if you want to have deep talks with people you love, just have the time of your life.
    For me, it is a super relieving pill.
    I tried this one last night and I can still fill the lightness in my body. I just removed bad energies stuck in my body and mind and I can tell you that I can find the bliss on my life with this pellets.
    Thank you Chemical collective!!!

  6. Sweet42 (verified owner)

    For a first entactogen ever taken the results were amazing (blue bliss), even with 75% of the whole pellet taken (i accedently broke it in 4 pieces)

  7. pheviar (verified owner)

    Se nota su menor neurotoxicidad: en los dias posteriores la administración de una pastilla nuestras ratas tuvieron más energía y menor depresión que con químicos de investigación más populares (m). Mayor duración total, con un pico y una bajada más lentos. Super recomendable

  8. Psydavos (verified owner)

    Blue bliss are good and solid. Highly recommended by the rats. Though, if you are really experienced with strong MDMA experiences might feel weaker than expected.

  9. Mariotxalo (verified owner)

    Las blue bliss son un poquito mas fuertes y mas grandes que sus predecesoras. La primera vez que investigué no me gustaron. Pero les di una segunda oportunidad y todo fue genial. Es importante investigar en contextos favorables

  10. froggy (verified owner)

    Best thing out there. Lab rats experienced a night of euphoric sensual bliss. 5/5 stars recommend 1000%

  11. carlosck98 (verified owner)

    Amazing experience 10/10

  12. jacob28 (verified owner)

    Both Pink star and Blue bliss are amazing and really euphoric but i felt more intense effects on Blue bliss. Kinda fast comeup but not uncomortable so my rating is 5/5 love this chem and my mice too!

  13. akinomomo (verified owner)


  14. BoogieWoogie (verified owner)

    Nazdar krysáci,
    jdu se s Vámi zase podělit o mě zážitky z výzkumu. Po prvotní zkušenosti s EPHORII musím říct, že tohle bylo zase něco. Pink star mi přišla o něco silnější, lepší na tancování, opět nahodí dobrou náladu, dobře se na ni navazuje komunikace. Nedoporučuji dávat více jak 1. Při vyšší dávce, Vás to akorát přemrdá, dostanete křeče do huby a ten pocit přendanosti je nepříjemnej. Ale jinak super věc. Dražší jak EPHORIA, s vcelku podobnými účinky (takže lepší zůstat u EPHORII). Dojezdy na ní nejsou taky nic moc, tak bacha. Jinak doprava a zabalení, jako vždy supr. ✌️

  15. Antonio Javier Ruiz Bandera (verified owner)

    Laa blue bliss me han gustado incluso más que las Pink Star, el componente de triptamina que lleva le da un toque visual muy placentero. Los 80mg de 5apb hacen que una dosis completa sea una experiencia muy positiva y agradable.

  16. Štěpán Seidl (verified owner)

    better than the original ,pure quality

  17. Godite (verified owner)

    Super buena calidad

  18. Diex

    Probado en una sesión terapéutica con un amigo…hizo exactamente lo que se esperaba de MDMA. Fantástico.

  19. Antonio Javier Ruiz Bandera (verified owner)

    Si quieres volar con dos de un golpe lo consigues! Muy buenas y duraderas, además de limpias. Mejor que cualquier pastilla de extasis

  20. Dim (verified owner)

    Almost better than the original. We really loved our research. Top quality combo. ‘Deserves at least its five stars. We recommend without hesitation :p
    Love 💕

  21. Holualoa (verified owner)

    Wow, that’s really really good. Surprised by the quality 🙂 !!!! A long night of dancing. Thank you team <3

  22. Trono

    Just amazing, comes up all of a sudden and was strong but super cool

  23. Decak (verified owner)

    We used 1 pellet high was modern but we fell great lightness

  24. Paprikas (verified owner)

    Ordered again. Great Product, I can recommend it. There was some misunderstading with this order which was promptly corrected by Team. Thank you (especially Jessica 🙂 )

  25. Mathias Fernandez (verified owner)

    Verry good and longlasting

  26. pitrpikr (verified owner)

    Took one pellet with a friend. Half for me, half for a friend. It was a great experience. Felt very good. It has a quite long come up but that does not matter much. Friend also very liked it. If it was possible I would give it 6 stars instead of 5.

  27. cristianww (verified owner)

    Muy buena calidad. La primera vez probé con media pastilla sólo en casa y el efecto impresionante. Felicidad constante, venían pensamientos buenos y malos pero con perspectiva positiva en todo momento. Y para acabar me tumbé en la cama, me puse los auriculares y a escuchar música. Totalmente recomendable. Falta probar en compañía.

  28. Cristian

    Qué buen combo de sustancias, nunca he probado el Mdma pero esto es lo mejor que he probado. La primera vez tomé media pastilla y menudo viaje. Si te estas decidiendo si coger o no, no lo dudes, efectos impresionantes!!! Tomándolo en soledad es una sensación de introspección pero siempre positiva. Coge papel y bolígrafo y escribe todo lo que se te pase por la cabeza mientras sientes como tu cuerpo flota. Sacarás buenas ideas y conclusiones, siempre positivas. Un recordatorio para la bajada, para días malos, para el día a día en definitiva. Disfruta de la vida!

  29. geloloco (verified owner)

    Te best combo of fenetilamina, but i have a question for the comunity.
    Do you know any molecule that It have good efects to study? AKA 2-fa HCl ir similar. Have similar pharmaco in this catalogue?

  30. Matt

    These are no joke. Good stuff.

  31. SK3Ro_o (verified owner)

    Great quality.

  32. Diego (verified owner)

    me encanto demasiado, lo volvere a comprar y esta vez probarlo con amigos

  33. Luis Aldegunde (verified owner)

    Producto simplemente fantástico,altísima calidad ,se merece el precio que se paga,tan bueno como el servicio y atención pre o post venta de estos maravillosos Jack y Jessica…

  34. Joe Sixpack

    Insanely slept upon product. In my opinion this makes MDMA redundant considering it has virtually inseperable effects but with the bonus of lasting a couple of hours longer. On top of that the hangover/comedown is about a quarter of that what a typical MDMA roll would give me. Heavily recommended for intense research trials. Also kudos to the ChemColl team for great support and overall friendliness.

  35. pabs77

    Ok I didn’t expect this at all, the blend is just perfect. The effect is so similar to the first times I took mdma that now I am nostalgic. Happy days.

  36. Maxl (verified owner)

    i prefer NeXTC to MDMA

  37. Shaun

    Best feeling . No harsh comedown . Really is like ectasty . Every thing is groovy man !!

  38. Diego

    good suppport

  39. otrev (verified owner)

    Fantastico prodotto. Molto interessante! 💪🏻😉

  40. destro

    Good quality, Good support.

  41. Valvola77 (verified owner)

    Ottime…una bella miscela. Consigliati👍

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