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CBD is a non-psychoactive (basically meaning, it doesn’t get you high) cannabinoid derived from either the hemp or cannabis plant. Primarily, CBD interacts with the body through the endocannabinoid system (ECS), which plays a crucial role in regulating homeostasis and various other crucial physiological processes. The benefits of CBD may also be due to an indirect effect on serotonin receptors and other receptors involved in inflammation and pain.

CBD has a plethora of well studied benefits, however, research is still ongoing and a lot of evidence is still anecdotal. CBD may have the following benefits: Pain relief for mild and chronic conditions, Anti-inflammatory effects, Anxiety and stress reduction, Improved quality of sleep, Neuroprotective properties, Anti-seizure effects, Mood regulation, Hearth health support, Reduced cravings and withdrawal symptoms when in addiction recovery.

CBD is non-psychoactive and is legal in most Countries.


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CBD Gummies From 12.50
CBD+ Gummies From 7.50
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