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The Ayahuasca Experience – PART ONE: A Comprehensive Guide

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in this article
  • Introduction
  • The Origins and Ingredients of Ayahuasca
  • Shamanic and Christian Fractions, which is for you?
  • Mother Ayahuasca: A Spiritual Guide
  • Detoxification and Dietary Preparation
  • Mindfulness and Meditation
  • Conclusion
  • Legal Status of Ayahuasca

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Chemical Collective or any associated parties.


In the first of two articles dealing with Ayahuasca, I will discuss crucial aspects to consider when deciding if Ayahuasca is the right choice for you. The background knowledge – the origins, diverse cultural expressions, and contraindications of engaging with this sacred plant medicine. It becomes apparent that Ayahuasca demands respect and careful use. In part two, I will provide detailed insights into my personal experience of attending a retreat in Spain and participating in two sacred ceremonies.

The Origins and Ingredients of Ayahuasca

ayahuasca experience

Ayahuasca, often referred to as the “vine of the soul,” is a sacred Amazonian brew deeply rooted in the spiritual practices of indigenous tribes.

Its preparation involves a meticulous combination of two primary ingredients: the Banisteriopsis caapi vine and the Psychotria viridis leaves. The caapi vine contributes harmine and harmaline, potent monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs), while the Psychotria viridis leaves provide dimethyltryptamine (DMT), a powerful psychedelic compound.

Ayahuasca preparation is a meticulous and sacred process that involves combining specific plant ingredients to create the brew. The preparation should be conducted by experienced individuals, such as shamans or ayahuasqueros, who hold knowledge of the traditional methods passed down through generations. Here is an overview of the typical Ayahuasca preparation process:


Banisteriopsis caapi Vine:

The main component of Ayahuasca, this vine contains harmine and harmaline, potent monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs). MAOIs are crucial for allowing the DMT from other plants to become orally active.

Psychotria viridis or Chacruna Leaves:

These leaves contain dimethyltryptamine (DMT), a powerful hallucinogenic compound. The combination of the DMT-containing leaves with the MAOIs in the caapi vine allows for the psychoactive effects of Ayahuasca.

Preparation Process

Harvesting and Cleaning

The preparation begins with the harvesting of the Banisteriopsis caapi vine and the Psychotria viridis leaves. The plants are carefully cleaned to remove impurities.

Cooking the Banisteriopsis caapi Vine

The caapi vine is usually chopped or shredded to increase the surface area. It is then simmered or boiled in water for an extended period, often several hours. During this process, the plant material releases harmine and harmaline into the water, creating a potent liquid known as Ayahuasca vine extract.

Cooking the Psychotria viridis Leaves

Separately, the Psychotria viridis leaves are prepared in a similar manner. They are usually shredded and added to water, creating a separate extract.

Combining the Extracts

Once both extracts are prepared, they are combined. The DMT-containing extract from the Psychotria viridis leaves is mixed with the MAOI-containing extract from the Banisteriopsis caapi vine. This combination activates the psychoactive properties of the DMT when ingested orally. Without the Banisteriopsis caapi vine the DMT would be broken down by the body very quickly. 

Straining and Filtering

The combined liquid is often strained to remove plant material, resulting in a smooth, liquid Ayahuasca brew.

Blessing and Intention Setting

In many traditional practices, a shaman or ceremony facilitator may perform a ceremonial blessing or set intentions over the Ayahuasca brew. This ritual is believed to infuse the brew with positive energy and spiritual potency. Also, participants are encouraged to help prepare the brew they will be taking. 

Ritual Significance

The preparation of Ayahuasca is considered a sacred and ceremonial act. The choice of plants, the methods of preparation, and the ritualistic aspects all hold cultural and spiritual significance. The process is often guided by traditional knowledge, passed down through generations, and may include specific prayers, songs (icaros), or chants during the preparation and ceremony.

Ayahuasca preparation can vary among different indigenous cultures and traditions. Additionally, in some contexts, other plants or additives may be included for specific purposes, such as enhancing visionary experiences or providing protection. 

As Ayahuasca gains popularity globally, it’s crucial to approach its preparation with respect for the cultural and traditional practices associated with this sacred plant medicine. If you are considering an Ayahuasca ceremony, seeking guidance from experienced and reputable practitioners is essential for a safe and meaningful experience.

Shamanic and Christian Fractions, which is for you?

ayahuasca experience

Shamanic Ceremonies and Healing

In traditional Amazonian cultures, Ayahuasca is an integral part of shamanic traditions. Shamanic ceremonies, guided by experienced ayahuasqueros, emphasise holistic healing of the body, mind, and spirit. The ceremonial space is enriched with Icaros, sacred songs that serve as spiritual navigation tools, and ritualistic practices aimed at facilitating spiritual exploration and profound transformations.

Christian Syncretism

A noteworthy departure from traditional practices has emerged with the syncretic Christian Ayahuasca traditions. Churches such as Santo Daime and União do Vegetal blend Ayahuasca into Christian rituals, creating unique spiritual syntheses. This syncretism represents a fascinating interweaving of Amazonian shamanism and Christian symbolism, offering an alternative lens through which to approach Ayahuasca ceremonies.

Mother Ayahuasca: A Spiritual Guide

ayahuasca experience

In indigenous cultures, Ayahuasca is often personified as “Mother Ayahuasca,” a nurturing and wise spirit embodying the essence of the plant medicine. Participants may perceive a maternal presence during their journeys, providing guidance, healing, and profound insights into the interconnectedness of all life.

A Journey into the Ayahuasca Experience

Dosing and Duration

Ayahuasca ceremonies typically involve multiple doses throughout the night, with the exact number varying based on individual and ceremonial factors. Each dose contributes to the unfolding journey, guided by the shaman or facilitator. The effects of Ayahuasca last several hours, guiding participants through a landscape of profound visions, introspection, and emotional release.

Tasting the Divine Elixir

The taste of Ayahuasca is not merely a sensory experience but a rite of passage. I found it tasted sweet, like boiled port wine with the bitter pith of pomegranate. The first dose wasn’t too bad but with each dose, it becomes more challenging to swallow. The brew demands courage and commitment from those who partake.  This visceral encounter with the essence of Ayahuasca sets the stage for the transformative experience that follows.

The Trip Unveiled

Embarking on an Ayahuasca trip is akin to stepping into the unknown realms of consciousness. Visions of cosmic landscapes, encounters with spirit entities, and deep introspection await you. The experience is not always easy; it can be emotionally intense, requiring surrender to the process. Purging, whether through vomiting, diarrhoea or emotional release, is considered a cleansing and cathartic aspect of the journey. That is why it is so important that you feel safe in the environment you have chosen. You can feel very vulnerable and unwell during the process.

ayahuasca experience

Beyond Ayahuasca: Additional Offerings

Ayahuasca ceremonies often incorporate additional elements to enhance the spiritual journey. I chose not to participate in any extras as I found the Ayahuasca enough to deal with. Though many in the group did. These may include:

Rapé: A sacred snuff made from powdered plants, often administered by a shaman to induce heightened awareness and focus.

Sananga: Eye drops derived from Amazonian plants, believed to enhance vision and facilitate deeper energetic connections.

Mapacho: Sacred tobacco used for cleansing rituals and energetic protection, often smoked or used in specific ceremonies.

These supplementary offerings contribute to the holistic and ceremonial nature of the Ayahuasca experience.

Detoxification and Dietary Preparation

Medications for Detox

Before undertaking an Ayahuasca ceremony, it is imperative to undergo a thorough detoxification process. Ayahuasca contains monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs), and certain medications can interact negatively, leading to serious health risks. This makes Ayahuasca a plant medication that you have to be very sure you wish to experience as it does demand you stop taking a lot of medications that you may rely on. Following medical guidelines for safe withdrawal is advised. Medications that individuals are generally advised to discontinue include:

  • Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs) – Fluoxetine (Prozac), sertraline (Zoloft), and paroxetine (Paxil), among others.
  • Other Antidepressants – Tricyclic antidepressants, monoamine oxidase inhibitors (non-Ayahuasca MAOIs), and select atypical antidepressants.
  • Antipsychotic Medications – Medications used to treat psychosis or schizophrenia.
  • Stimulants – Amphetamines, including medications for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
  • Anti-hypertensive Medications – Specific medications used to treat high blood pressure.
  • Anti-migraine Medications – Triptans and other medications used in the treatment of migraines.
  • Other Serotonergic Medications – Medications that influence serotonin levels, including certain pain medications and recreational drugs such as MDMA.

Consultation with a supportive healthcare professional is vital to facilitate a safe discontinuation process and explore alternative approaches for managing health conditions.It is also very important you speak in depth with your Ayahuasca facilitator about any medication you are taking.

Dietary Considerations

Preparing for an Ayahuasca ceremony involves adhering to a specific diet in the days preceding the event. The longer you can follow a simple diet before your ceremony the better you will feel. 

Spicy foods, processed items, dairy products, and foods high in tyramine are often restricted.

Tyramine-containing foods can interact with Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors (MAOIs), including those found in Ayahuasca, and pose health risks. MAOIs are enzymes that break down tyramine in the body. When MAOIs are inhibited, as is the case with Ayahuasca, the levels of tyramine can increase, leading to a potentially dangerous condition known as hypertensive crisis.

Signs of Hypertensive Crisis
  • Elevated Blood Pressure – Tyramine is a naturally occurring substance found in certain foods. When consuming these foods while on MAOIs, the body may not effectively break down tyramine. Elevated tyramine levels can lead to the release of excessive amounts of norepinephrine, a neurotransmitter that can increase blood pressure.
  • Risk of Hypertension – The accumulation of tyramine can result in a rapid and significant increase in blood pressure, leading to a hypertensive crisis. This condition is characterised by severe hypertension, headaches, palpitations, and, in extreme cases, it can lead to stroke or other cardiovascular complications.
Tyramine-Containing Foods to Avoid
  • Aged Cheeses – Varieties such as cheddar, Swiss, blue, and Parmesan.
  • Fermented or Pickled Items – Sauerkraut, pickles, soy sauce, and certain fermented soy products.
  • Cured or Aged Meats – Salami, pepperoni, and certain types of sausages.
  • Certain Alcoholic Beverages – Wine, especially red wine, and beer.
  • Certain Fruits and Vegetables – Bananas, avocados, figs, and certain beans.
  • Certain Nuts – Peanuts, Brazil nuts, and walnuts.
Emphasis on Plant-Based Nutrition

A plant-based diet is highly recommended, incorporating fruits, vegetables, and simple, easily digestible meals. This dietary approach aims to enhance the receptivity of the body and mind to the Ayahuasca experience. The better the diet beforehand, the less vomiting and detoxing during the ceremony. 

Your Ayahuasca facilitators should provide you with a list of foods and drinks not to consume and the period of time to eliminate them. 

Detoxification Practices

Detoxification is a crucial aspect of preparing for the Ayahuasca ceremony. While the body naturally undergoes detoxification, individuals may engage in practices to support the cleansing of mind, body, and spirit:

Hydration and Fluid Intake

Ample water consumption is encouraged to support hydration and facilitate toxin elimination.

Sauna or Sweat Lodge Sessions

Sweating through sauna sessions or sweat lodge ceremonies is believed to aid in the release of toxins through the skin.

Mindfulness and Meditation

Engagement in mindfulness practices and meditation can help individuals cultivate mental clarity and focus, fostering a receptive state for the Ayahuasca experience.

Physical Exercise

Gentle exercise, such as yoga or light aerobic activities,  may be incorporated to promote circulation and overall well-being.

Detox Duration

The duration of the detoxification process varies among individuals and may depend on factors such as the type of medications discontinued and overall health. As a general guideline, a detox period of several weeks before the Ayahuasca ceremony is recommended to ensure the body is clear of potentially interacting substances.


Among all the plant-based medicines, Ayahuasca stands out as demanding careful consideration and thorough preparation. The results of this journey can be both enlightening and invaluable, although it’s not an easy ride. Planning and dedicating several weeks for preparation, in my opinion, bring additional depth to the experience.

Mother Ayahuasca beckons those who seek her guidance to embark on a profound odyssey into the depths of consciousness. This ancient plant medicine remains a potent and enigmatic ally, inviting participants to uncover the mysteries of existence and connect with the profound wisdom that resides within the heart of the rainforest.

Ayahuasca appeals to individuals ready to confront themselves, integrate rejected parts, and connect with nature and universal laws. As the global conversation around psychedelics evolves, may your journey with Ayahuasca be one of self-discovery, healing, and profound connection to the sacred realms it unveils.

Be sure to check out my personal journey with Ayahuasca in PART TWO.

Legal Status of Ayahuasca

The legal status of Ayahuasca varies worldwide. Ayahuasca is legal in countries like Peru, Brazil, Ecuador, and Colombia. In some European countries such as Portugal and Spain, it is controlled or decriminalised.

Debra Wilkinson | Community Blogger at Chemical Collective

Debra is one of our community bloggers here at Chemical Collective. If you’re interested in joining our blogging team and getting paid to write about subjects you’re passionate about, please reach out to David via email at: blog@chemical-collective.com

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7 months ago

Very interesting. I live in Italy and would like to know where to find it here in this country

7 months ago

Great article

7 months ago

Another fantastic entry by Debra.

7 months ago

Wow, I know Debra Wilkinson , this was an interesting read, knew a bit about tyramine as I get headaches with cheese..but hadn’t realised that other foodstuffs have it in as well.
Keep up the good reading Debra.

7 months ago

Very interesting.

7 months ago

Brilliant article! Definitely feel way more informed now, looking forward to part 2!

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