Preparing for any psychedelic journey requires thoughtfulness and intention, and adding weed to your trip is just the same. It’s important to approach your upcoming mind travels with care and thought to ensure you get the results you want, whether that’s drastic self-improvement, inner exploration, or a simple good time with friends. This is a good opportunity to set an intention, if you’d like to.
The first step in your journey typically involves finding and buying your substance of choice. One of the easiest ways to avoid potential problems is to buy from a trusted source, whether that’s a dispensary or an online shop like ours, where everything is properly synthesized and tested. This is a surefire way to feel safe and secure knowing that you aren’t ingesting anything that has been cut with dangerous additives.
Once you’ve established that your set and setting are to your liking, make sure you have anything you may need or want readily available. This may include snacks and drinks, activities (i.e. art supplies, video games, or guided meditations), a comfy place to hang out, and music ready to go. Getting into the heart of a trip, only to find that you aren’t sure what to do with yourself, can eat up precious moments you may otherwise be enjoying.
If possible, it’s recommended to have a friend, trip sitter, or group present with you for the duration of your journey. Tripping alone can be an incredible way to do some self-exploration, but it can also be overwhelming and scary if things go sideways or there’s an emergency. A trusted loved one can help you navigate a new headspace, quelling anxiety or paranoia if they come up by offering distractions, soothing words, or advice. If you are tripping alone, try keeping a friend or resource like r/TripSit on standby so you have like-minded people to reach out to in a pinch.
At this point, the time has come – you’re set up, you have your psychedelics and cannabis ready to go, and your day is clear. What now?
The exact timing by which you take your psychedelics and cannabis is purely up to you. Some people like to smoke while they wait for the trip to kick in, and others choose to wait until the peak has passed. If you’re concerned about come-up anxiety, cannabis at the start of the trip may be for you! On the other hand, those who battle with weed-related anxiety are recommended to wait until the peak of the trip is over to start using cannabis.
As always, be mindful of your dosing. You can always take more of a substance, but you can never take less. Know your limits, start small, and work your way up if you’d like stronger effects.
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Yes. It’s best to be relaxed. Before the trip, take a walk in nature, listen to your favorite relaxing music. And most importantly, limit your social media usage. Negative news in the media and negative posts on social media will really ruin your mood. Then, in my opinion, combining THC with other substances is risky.