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How to Safely Combining Cannabis and Psychedelics


By Emily Mullins

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in this article
  • How Do Cannabis and Psychedelics Affect You? 
  • Physical and Mental Impacts of Cannabis
  • Psychedelics in the Brain and Body 
  • The Importance of Set and Setting 
  • Tips For A Successful Trip With Cannabis 
  • What To Do If Things Go South 
  • Have a Great Trip!

By Emily Mullins

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the Chemical Collective or any associated parties.

Cannabis, along with psychedelics like LSD, mushrooms, and DMT, are incredibly popular mind-altering substances among the alternative community. Whether you ascribe to the “California sober” lifestyle of sticking exclusively to weed and shrooms or use these alongside alcohol and other drugs, if you’re here, it’s likely that you’ve tried one or both of them (or are interested in starting).  

 Combining cannabis with psychedelics can lead to a euphoric, enlightening, and beautiful experience. It’s a common mix at music festivals, small gatherings with like-minded friends, or as a means of solo exploration – but it can also result in an overwhelming and challenging headspace to navigate if you aren’t prepared, particularly at higher doses. 

So, before you drop a tab and light up a joint, it’s ideal to have an idea of how best to go about using cannabis and psychedelics together to avoid any potential issues. Fortunately, both cannabis and psychedelics are considered to be some of the safest drugs in the world for most people, as there is virtually no risk of a fatal overdose. The harms they do pose are more mental than physical, and they generally only affect a small amount of the population. 

If you’re completely new to one or both of these substances, it’s recommended to try them separately at small doses first. Once you feel confident handling the psychedelic journey on its own, you’re ready to try combining them.

How Do Cannabis and Psychedelics Affect You? 

There are several reasons why people may want to use cannabis and psychedelics together besides simply trying to achieve a stronger high.  

First, they have synergistic effects, which means they pair well without risk of serious harm. Mixing substances such as ketamine and alcohol can be dangerous, but weed and mushrooms, LSD, or certain research chemicals are safe to combine – so there’s no stress of overdosing or becoming sick. 

Not only are they relatively harmless to mix at a physical level, but new research is finding that using cannabis while on psychedelics can actually intensify the overall experience, leading to interesting visuals and a more surreal headspace. 

Many people will simultaneously use the two substances for the entire duration of their psychedelic journey, but others prefer to use cannabis toward the end of a trip to “boost” their high and help them extend the effects they felt at the peak. This is also done as a way to integrate the psychedelic experience and come down more peacefully and smoothly. 

Finally, cannabinoids like CBD, which are non-psychoactive, can be useful before and during a trip to ease trip-related side effects like anxiety or nausea. 

Although cannabis and psychedelics are both psychoactive substances with notable similarities, such as the way they both alter perceptions of time, they also have a few key differences to be aware of before using them together.

Physical and Mental Impacts of Cannabis

Cannabinoids work by interacting with the body’s endocannabinoid system (ECS), which helps to regulate a vast amount of bodily functions. Cannabinoids like THC, CBD, or CBG all have distinct roles in affecting mood, pain, senses, memory, and more. 

The method by which you consume cannabis can have a significant impact on how it affects you. Taking one hit of pure THC oil results in a more traditional head high, while using a CBD topical will help with soothing localized achy muscles or inflammation without psychoactive effects. As cannabis becomes more widely accepted as a medical treatment, its formulations and uses have only grown. 

Smoking or vaporizing cannabis, whether in oil or flower form, is the fastest way to get effects. The other most popular form is edibles, which can take up to an hour to kick in but last much longer. Strain, THC percentage, dose, and formulation can all affect how strongly you feel weed and the exact way you feel it. 

Cannabis has a few side effects to be aware of before starting. The most common include dry mouth, anxiety, rapid heart rate, and hunger – also known as “the munchies.”

Psychedelics in the Brain and Body 

While cannabis acts on the body’s endocannabinoid system, psychedelics interact with neurotransmitters, receptors, and chemicals in the brain. In doing so, they increase brain activity and disrupt typical neural network functioning. 

The highs from cannabis and psychedelics are also quite different, even though they can be synergistic. Psychedelics affect everyone differently, but overall, they will significantly alter someone’s sensory perceptions of the world around them. Colors will become brighter, visual patterns and alterations may appear, music sounds more complex, textures have new feeling, and even food will taste different. 

There is still a lot scientists don’t understand about psychedelics, and more research is needed to unlock the complex mysteries behind the substances. For now, though, preliminary research is finding that LSD, mushrooms, and even DMT can have incredible impacts on improving symptoms of mental health disorders. 

The side effects of psychedelics are not fatal, but they can be unpleasant. Fortunately, these typically only occur at higher doses or when mixing psychedelics with harmful substances like alcohol or cocaine. The most common side effects include: 

  • Frightening hallucinations 
  • Anxiety 
  • Paranoia 
  • Nausea 
  • Disorientation or delusions 
  • Muscle spasms 
  • Aggression 

Like with any drug, some people are more predisposed than others to a bad trip and are not good candidates for psychedelics – typically those with severe mental health disorders like schizophrenia. It’s vital to understand your own mental health, personality, and tolerance before trying any hallucinogens.

The Importance of Set and Setting 

Seasoned psychedelics users are typically well aware of the crucial element of tripping known as “set and setting.” In fact, it’s often regarded as the single most important consideration needed before embarking on a trip, and it’s one factor that can truly make or break your experience. 

Set and setting refers to two things: your inner mindset and your outer physical environment. There is no perfect, one-size-fits-all set or setting that will work for every person – instead, it’s up to you to decide what feels comfortable. 

To prepare your mindset, you need to evaluate a few key inner elements. First, how has your mood been recently? Are you depressed and anxious, or have you been feeling optimistic and calm? Have you made peace with your struggles, or are you attempting to run away from your feelings? Don’t just examine your current emotions, either – make sure you’re considering how you’ve been feeling over the last few days or weeks. 

Your moods and emotions are one of the biggest impacts on your trip, and this is even more important when adding cannabis into the mix as it can heighten any existing anxiety. Ideally, you should be in a mental state that is calm, positive, and open to change. Attempting to resist the psychedelic headspace may only lead to a “bad” trip. 

Finally, consider your outer physical space. The most common trip settings typically include festivals, concerts, nature, or at home, but what feels comfortable to you is a truly personal decision. Some people prefer to only trip at festivals with friends, while others want to be completely solo. Make sure the environment is one where you’ll feel safe, supported, and free to get weird. If you’re planning to use cannabis during your trip, you may want to also make sure there is a space where you can tuck away for a bit for peace and quiet in case things become overstimulating.

Tips For A Successful Trip With Cannabis 

Preparing for any psychedelic journey requires thoughtfulness and intention, and adding weed to your trip is just the same. It’s important to approach your upcoming mind travels with care and thought to ensure you get the results you want, whether that’s drastic self-improvement, inner exploration, or a simple good time with friends. This is a good opportunity to set an intention, if you’d like to. 

The first step in your journey typically involves finding and buying your substance of choice. One of the easiest ways to avoid potential problems is to buy from a trusted source, whether that’s a dispensary or an online shop like ours, where everything is properly synthesized and tested. This is a surefire way to feel safe and secure knowing that you aren’t ingesting anything that has been cut with dangerous additives. 

Once you’ve established that your set and setting are to your liking, make sure you have anything you may need or want readily available. This may include snacks and drinks, activities (i.e. art supplies, video games, or guided meditations), a comfy place to hang out, and music ready to go. Getting into the heart of a trip, only to find that you aren’t sure what to do with yourself, can eat up precious moments you may otherwise be enjoying. 

If possible, it’s recommended to have a friend, trip sitter, or group present with you for the duration of your journey. Tripping alone can be an incredible way to do some self-exploration, but it can also be overwhelming and scary if things go sideways or there’s an emergency. A trusted loved one can help you navigate a new headspace, quelling anxiety or paranoia if they come up by offering distractions, soothing words, or advice. If you are tripping alone, try keeping a friend or resource like r/TripSit on standby so you have like-minded people to reach out to in a pinch. 

At this point, the time has come – you’re set up, you have your psychedelics and cannabis ready to go, and your day is clear. What now? 

The exact timing by which you take your psychedelics and cannabis is purely up to you. Some people like to smoke while they wait for the trip to kick in, and others choose to wait until the peak has passed. If you’re concerned about come-up anxiety, cannabis at the start of the trip may be for you! On the other hand, those who battle with weed-related anxiety are recommended to wait until the peak of the trip is over to start using cannabis. 

As always, be mindful of your dosing. You can always take more of a substance, but you can never take less. Know your limits, start small, and work your way up if you’d like stronger effects.

What To Do If Things Go South 

One of our most important bits of advice is to be prepared for anything. While we don’t believe in fear mongering, it is crucial to understand the risks before partaking in any substance. Instead of approaching your trip with worry, you can instead frame this as confidence since you know what may happen and how to avoid it! 

Cannabis typically doesn’t cause bad trips, but it’s not unheard of. Watch out for the following symptoms, as they can be warning signs of an impending problem: 

  • Nausea or vomiting 
  • Hyperventilating or shortness of breath 
  • Rapid heart rate 
  • Shaking 
  • Negative thought spirals or loops 
  • Disorientation 

If you begin to experience any of these, don’t panic! There are a few ways to recover. 

First, focus on your breathing. Take long, slow, deep breaths, as this can help physically slow down your heart and body into a calmer state. As you breathe, try repeating a relaxing mantra, such as “This Too Shall Pass.” After all, this won’t last forever, no matter how overwhelming it may feel at the moment. 

Next, drink plenty of water and eat if you can. Some ideal trip snacks include fruit, candy, cheese, ice cream, and any other favorite foods of yours that evoke happiness. 

If you’re still feeling a bit jittery, use that energy! Go for a walk, do some yoga, or put on your favorite songs and dance it out. Physical activity helps nervous energy work its way out of your body and is one of the best ways to ground yourself. 

Some other ways to find your center include watching movies, playing games with friends, or getting crafty through art. Eventually, your brain will become absorbed by what you’re doing, and the anxiety will have passed. 

If you need any additional help, try CBD. Not only does it possess incredible calming qualities, but it actually acts as an antidote to THC to weaken any overly-strong cannabis effects you may be feeling. 

If you have followed the above tips, you should be settling into a more relaxed headspace and are ready to enjoy the remaining moments of your trip.

Have a Great Trip!

Cannabis and psychedelics, when done properly, have the potential to be a beneficial, beautiful, and healing experience. It allows people to open up to themselves and to others, creating space for more deep connections and personal lessons. 

Taking your time, starting with smaller doses, and preparing well mentally and physically will all help ensure that you have the best trip possible. However, at the end of the day, only you can write your own story and decide how to go about combining these two drugs. 

No matter how you choose to do it in the future, or how it may have affected you in the past, we hope that you – like us – have found some positive benefits from the use of cannabis and psychedelics. In time, science may catch up to what many of us already know: these substances have the power to change the world, one person at a time.

Emily Mullins | Community Blogger at Chemical Collective

Emily is one of our community bloggers here at Chemical Collective. If you’re interested in joining our blogging team and getting paid to write about subjects you’re passionate about, please reach out to David via email at blog@chemical-collective.com

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2 hours ago

Yes. It’s best to be relaxed. Before the trip, take a walk in nature, listen to your favorite relaxing music. And most importantly, limit your social media usage. Negative news in the media and negative posts on social media will really ruin your mood. Then, in my opinion, combining THC with other substances is risky.

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