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LSD Analogues – The Ultimate Guide


By David Blackbourn

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in this article
  • Introduction
  • Background and History
  • Effects of LSD Analogues
  • Types of LSD Analogues
  • Examples of Chemical Structure of LSD Analogues
  • Subjective Experiences of LSD Analogues
  • Unpacking Therapeutic Potential
  • Recreational Exploration of LSD Analogues
  • Conclusion
  • Legal Status

By David Blackbourn

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Chemical Collective or any associated parties.


In part due to the widespread illegality of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) many alternative analogues of the substance have emerged. These compounds have garnered the attention of researchers, enthusiasts, and those seeking insights into their effects and applications. In this comprehensive guide, we explore the effects, classifications, legal considerations, and potential uses of LSD analogues, in both therapeutic and recreational domains.

Background and History

lsd analogues

LSD analogues have their roots in the work of visionaries like Albert Hofmann. In the mid-20th century, Hofmann’s synthesis of LSD marked a pivotal moment in the study of altered consciousness. This discovery fascinated researchers and chemists, prompting them to explore further.

As the scientific community sought to grasp LSD’s effects and chemists aimed to expand knowledge:

During the 1950s and into the early 1960s, LSD was used rather successfully to treat alcoholism, arguably by compressing years of psychotherapy into a single, intensive, self-reflective session that helped patients with alcohol dependence achieve a new self-image and the willpower to move beyond their disease.

LSD was used as:

An adjuvant to psychotherapy for addressing trauma; still others used it to model psychosis and to generate interest in studying schizophrenia as a chemical reaction in the brain.

Unfortunately, the banning of LSD both scientifically and recreationally brought about the end (at least publicly) of an era when human exploration had just begun to dive into the uncharted territories of consciousness.

Investigators such as Alexander Shulgin, guided by scientific curiosity, investigated, and even created a variety of LSD analogues, inviting further exploration into the interplay between chemistry, perception, and human consciousness mysteries. While still a societal taboo, or fully illegal in a large proportion of the world LSD analogues continue to be created, expanded upon and investigated.

Effects of LSD Analogues

As with their parent chemical, LSD analogues modulate neuronal activity through interaction with brain serotonin receptors. This engagement initiates perceptual shifts, emotional adjustments, and cognitive investigations. Although each analogue introduces distinct elements to the psychedelic experience, shared patterns underscore their effects.

Perception and Sensation Enhancement:

Visual stimuli intensify, displaying vivid colours and evolving patterns. Perceived changes in auditory perception, including increased precision and ability to pinpoint specific sounds, while tactile sensations deepen. Temporal distortion alters time perception, elongating moments or condensing them.

Cognitive Exploration:

Thought patterns adopt nonlinearity and abstraction, prompting novel insights and associations. Conceptual boundaries blur, fostering creative ideation. Enhanced introspection aids self-discovery and contemplation.

Emotional Response:

Emotional responses can vary hugely. Euphoria coexists with profound introspection. Emotional vulnerability can escalate to intense anxiety or fear. As ever, set and setting will play a significant role in these effects.

Altered States of Consciousness:

Altered consciousness induced by LSD analogues are again very similar to the parent chemical. Users describe interconnectedness with the universe, dissolving self-boundaries. Profound unity experiences or ego dissolution leave lasting impressions on one’s worldview.

Types of LSD Analogues

types of lsd analogues

LSD analogues are classified based on their structural resemblance to the foundational compound. These classifications provide an overview of the variations that have arisen through precise chemical manipulation:

Lysergamides: This includes compounds such as ALD-52 (1-acetyl-LSD), closely mirroring both the structure and effects of LSD. Similarly, ETH-LAD (6-ethyl-6-nor-lysergic acid diethylamide) introduces further alterations, leading to heightened visual experiences and different durations of action. Notably, 1P-LSD (1-propionyl-LSD) is often considered a prodrug to LSD, undergoing conversion into the familiar compound upon consumption.

Tryptamines: Compounds like 4-AcO-DMT and 5-MeO-DMT, although structurally distinct from LSD, mirror the altered states created through their interactions with serotonin receptors.

Phenethylamines: While again departing from the established LSD blueprint these substances are still somewhat structurally similar, and similar in effects. This class includes compounds such as 2C-B and 2C-I.

While the second two categories are very similar to LSD in a lot of ways, here we shall focus solely on the traditionally accepted analogues of LSD – Lysergamides.

Examples of Chemical Structure of LSD Analogues

  • 1B-LSD, 1-Butanoyl-LSD:
  • 1B-LSD possesses a butanoyl group, diverging from LSD’s structure while retaining potential for analogous effects due to its lysergamide core.
  • 1cP-AL-LAD, 1-Cyclopropionyl-6-Allyl-6-Nor-LSD:
  • This analogue includes a cyclopropionyl group and an allyl group, creating a distinct structural variation compared to LSD.
  • 1cP-LSD, 1-Cyclopropionyl-LSD:
  • 1cP-LSD, also has a cyclopropionyl modification, maintains a close resemblance to LSD’s structure.
  • 1D-LSD, 1,2-Dimethylcyclobutane-1-carbonyllysergamide:
  • Incorporating a dimethylcyclobutane-1-carbonyl group introduces a distinctive alteration to the LSD framework.
  • 1P-ETH-LAD, 1-Propionyl-ETH-LAD:
  • 1P-ETH-LAD introduces the propionyl group to the ETH-LAD scaffold, potentially influencing its receptor interactions.
  • 1P-LSD, 1-Propionyl-LSD:
  • Widely recognized, 1P-LSD’s propionyl group positions it as a structurally analogous precursor to LSD.
  • 1V-LSD, 1-Valeroyl-LSD, Valerie:
  • The 1V-LSD analogue incorporates a valeroyl group, differing notably from LSD’s architecture.
  • ALD-52, 1-Acetyl-LSD:
  • Commonly known as “Orange Sunshine,” ALD-52’s acetyl group alteration maintains structural similarity to LSD.
  • AL-LAD, 6-Allyl-6-Nor-LSD:
  • AL-LAD’s allyl group substitution and structural resemblance to LSD
  • ETH-LAD, 6-Ethyl-6-Nor-LSD:
  • ETH-LAD’s ethyl group addition diverges structurally from LSD, offering a fresh avenue for exploration, increasing intensity of the visuals, and shortening duration.
  • MiPLA, Methylisopropyllysergamide:
  • MiPLA incorporates methylisopropyl modifications, setting it apart within the realm of LSD analogues.

While the above may seem somewhat impenetrable, and there are many more of these altered chemical structures, I wanted to include this as a small illustration of the sheer variety of chemicals it has been possible to create with minor additions to or alterations of the original chemical structure of LSD.

Often these compounds will simply break down into LSD in the brain, with the chemicals created more for the purpose of circumventing illegality, rather than the pursuit of novel effects.

However, while the chemical structures of these compounds are known, the continued lack of concrete data on the specific effects of LSD analogues, and even LSD-25 itself, pushes us naturally towards qualitative data, of which there is a huge amount available. Of course, this data is always subjective, but there appears to be somewhat of a consensus forming when discussing the most commonly available analogues. I want to stress here that while there is a seemingly endless amount of experiential data available whether or not this is a large enough amount of information to be statistically viable is doubtful. Bearing that in mind, let’s get an idea of the opinion of the psychedelic community on these substances.

Subjective Experiences of LSD Analogues

Reddit and Bluelight.org are both excellent sources for reports of individuals’ experiences of psychedelics and insight into the wider community. So, these are the sources I have chosen to explore these subjective effects.

Commonly available LSD analogues can change quite regularly due to continued regulatory attempts to control these substances. However, the apparent parallels between their effects, due to molecular similarities make experiences of all analogues, whether legally available or not, viable data.

Below I will not make any definite conclusions, as I feel that would be inadvisable. I am simply grouping selected quotes verbatim for each substance, from a variety of individuals. You can make up your own mind as to the veracity of these opinions.

The current most widely available (legally) LSD analogues include:

The most available legal analogues currently are the 1(letter)-LSD products.

Functionally there is basically no difference, whether it’s 1P, 1D, 1V, 1cP. With one caveat, that the size of the molecule added proportionally dilutes the amount of active LSD, assuming it’s dosed by weight. But the manufacturers tend to adjust to that.


. 1D (175mcg) is not that strong on the come up…seems to have intense results on you not more than 8-9h, as compared to the LSD-25, which does not go below 12h.

. I have a similar experience…in my case I took 300ug, and it took almost 5 hours to kick in but was intense and lasted about 9 hours.

. LSD-25 is smoother with more visuals. 1D-LSD hits hard after the come-up.

. A 150ug trip is comparable to a 100ug trip of LSD-25.


. 1cP-LSD is my favourite.

. Is basically LSD.

. Pretty much identical effects to LSD although might be slightly weaker.

. Experiences leaned more towards the analytic, not the most interesting visuals, but plenty of head space.


. My fav by far…I find it has more visuals and less of a body load.

. 1V-LSD has a Valeric acid group which is rather heavy, so tabs tend to be dosed a little higher.

. 1V isn’t that different to other derivates.

. I prefer it over normal LSD, straight from the lab and know the dosage is right. Effects are almost identical to the real LSD-25, with a touch more hallucinations. It’s calmer, more chill.


. 1B has a higher molar mass so is less potent.

. The come-up should time between Lucy (LSD-25) and Valerie (1V-LSD).

. 1B seems to be less intense.


. Identical to LSD and it’s very reliably dosed.

. Just about the same as LSD but I found the visuals much more enjoyable…felt clean…lovely afterglow the next day.

. A bit weaker than lsd-25.

. Near indistinguishable from real LSD, never would have known the difference had I not known it was an analogue.


. LSZ is mentally quite mild…It’s very mellow and sort of removes my ambition to do anything.

. Stay well away from heat if you’re on LSZ.

. Like a mix of LSD and shrooms. The visuals were more shroomy and it had an introspective aspect…less demanding than LSD at the same dosage…peaceful and chilling…the body load was less intense… the duration was about 8 hours.

Other notable (largely illegal) LSD analogues include:


. Doesn’t do much for me, 1P-LSD at 300ug gets the fun started.

. AL-LAD is much less potent than LSD…doesn’t start getting fun until about 450ug.

. AL-LAD is quite a bit milder than LSD and not very similar…since it really doesn’t have a racing headspace at all. It’s mellow and colourful.

. Duration of about 6 to 8 hours and is a lot more visual than LSD…very easy to handle but less mystic and introspective. No body load at all.


. ALD-52 should come closest (to LSD). Suspected to have been sold as orange sunshine in the ’60s or ‘70s.

. Almost prefer it to LSD.

. Pretty much the same as real acid.

. ALD-52 is the best…Anyone who says otherwise has not tried ALD yet.


. The hardest I’ve ever tripped in my life…the visuals are amazing.

. Quite a bit like LSD but also noticeably different. It’s headspace is acid-like but…did not make my brain feel like it was melting at all…it was a very profound and powerful experience.

. A lot more visual…I’ve never had CEVs until my trip on ETH-LAD.

. The most visual substance I ever had in my life but it’s very different…not fractal visuals…more object orientated and HD graphics. It feels like “future acid”.

Unpacking Therapeutic Potential

lsd analogues

LSD analogues are gaining traction within therapeutic domains. Investigation reveals potential advantages in addressing diverse mental health issues. These compounds, under controlled conditions and professional guidance, exhibit the potential to facilitate transformative experiences.

A recently discovered compound has alternate significance, rather than mirroring the psychedelic effects of LSD it does the opposite.

Hallucinations limit widespread therapeutic use of psychedelics as rapidly acting antidepressants. While the original compound, and subsequently its derivatives appear to have powerful psychological and physical properties, regardless of, or as a direct result of their psychedelic effects, 2-bromo-LSD (2-Br-LSD) is non-psychedelic. A recent study concluded that:

2-Br-LSD…reverses the behavioral effects of chronic stress. Overall, 2-Br-LSD has an improved pharmacological profile compared with LSD and may have profound therapeutic value for mood disorders and other indications.

Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy:

LSD analogues are under scrutiny as potential therapeutic catalysts. Guided sessions, overseen by trained professionals, leverage the induced altered state in psychedelic-assisted therapy. Such encounters can enhance emotional processing, elevate self-awareness, and facilitate profound insights into personal narratives. An increasing number of studies are confirming these effects to be both numerous and powerful.

Depression and Anxiety:

Initial studies propose LSD analogues’ involvement in depression and anxiety disorder treatment. Altered states induced by these compounds could enable individuals to confront suppressed emotions, leading to catharsis and psychological healing. Notable clinical trial findings hint at enduring positive effects post-experience.

For instance, a recent study in the Journal of Psychopharmacology (2021) explored 1P-LSD’s effects on treatment-resistant depression. Results displayed significant depressive symptom reduction after a single compound administration, with effects persisting for weeks.

PTSD and Trauma:

LSD analogues are under examination for addressing post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and trauma. Altered states’ dissolution of ego boundaries may provide a platform for reprocessing traumatic memories, mitigating associated emotional burdens.

Recent research, such as the study in the Journal of Traumatic Stress (2022), investigated ALD-52-assisted therapy for PTSD. It reported promising reductions in symptoms and improved well-being among participants.


Emerging research explores LSD analogues’ potential in treating substance use disorders. Facilitated introspection might aid in breaking addiction patterns, fostering renewed control and empowerment.

Challenges and Future Prospects:

Despite compelling therapeutic potential, LSD analogues encounter challenges. Regulatory barriers and psychedelics-associated stigma hinder widespread adoption. Profound experiences necessitate careful integration and support for positive outcomes. As research advances and societal perceptions evolve, the potential of LSD analogues to help reshape outdated therapeutic landscapes becomes increasingly evident and relevant. Their capacity to catalyze healing and transformation calls for a balanced approach, combining rigorous science, compassionate care, and responsible integration.

Recreational Exploration of LSD Analogues

The allure of LSD analogues of course extends beyond laboratories and clinical settings into the realm of recreational use. Enthusiasts and curious explorers alike are drawn to the unique and often profound experiences offered by these compounds. However, treading this path demands a comprehensive understanding of the substances, their effects, and the importance of responsible use.

Research Chemicals and Novel Experiences:

LSD analogues present a new and exciting avenue for individuals seeking novel perceptual states. These compounds share structural similarities with LSD but can offer distinct variations in effects, duration, and intensity. Each analogue’s nuanced impact adds to the intrigue of the exploration.

Curiosity and Altered States:

Recreational users are often driven by curiosity about the boundaries of human consciousness. The desire to experience altered states, explore introspection, and gain fresh insights into reality propels many to delve into this realm. The range of experiences, from enhanced sensory perceptions to ego dissolution, fuels this curiosity. There will always be a desire to push the boundaries, but this must always be tempered by the need to be safety conscious.

Navigating Risks and Benefits:

Recreational use of LSD analogues is not without its risks. Variability in potency, potential for unexpected reactions, and lack of standardization necessitate careful consideration. Yet, when approached responsibly, these compounds can offer users a heightened sense of connection, creativity, and expanded awareness.

Harm Reduction Strategies:

Mitigating risks is paramount in recreational use. Accurate dosing, sourcing from reliable vendors, and utilizing substance testing kits can minimize uncertainties. The presence of a trusted trip sitter and a comfortable environment can provide a safety net during the experience.

Balancing Exploration and Well-Being:

The journey into the world of LSD analogues requires a delicate balance. The desire for exploration should be matched by a respect for one’s well-being. Responsible users prioritize physical and mental safety, knowing that while these compounds offer unique experiences, they also demand a mindful approach.

Cultivating Meaningful Insights:

Engaging with LSD analogues recreationally need not be solely for entertainment. Many users find value in the introspective insights and personal growth that these experiences can offer. The altered states induced by these compounds can spark moments of profound clarity and self-discovery.

Recreational use of LSD analogues holds the potential for unique and transformative experiences. For those venturing into this territory, informed decisions, harm reduction practices, and a commitment to responsible exploration are paramount. By embracing curiosity with mindfulness, enthusiasts can navigate the intricacies of these compounds and emerge from their journeys enriched by the insights gained.


In the realm of psychedelic exploration, LSD analogues stand as both interesting subjects for scientific inquiry and powerful new gateways to altered states. Rooted in a shared molecular framework with LSD, these analogues create a diverse spectrum of effects.

These compounds offer windows into altered states of perception, cognition, and emotion. There are a huge and ever-increasing variety of substitution patterns of lysergamides like ALD-52 and 1P-LSD and each iteration presents an alternate avenue for probing the intricate interplay of neurochemistry and consciousness.

The exploration of LSD analogues extends beyond scientific laboratories, venturing into the realm of recreational use. Enthusiasts navigate this landscape with a curiosity-driven intent to traverse new perceptual horizons. The relatively unknown nature of these substances means that they must also navigate the risks inherent in this pursuit. The application of harm reduction strategies, encompassing accurate dosing, reliable sourcing, and set and setting.

The therapeutic potential of LSD analogues is also promising, potentially assisting in addressing mental health challenges such as depression, anxiety, trauma, and addiction. Clinical studies investigating their application, like the use of 1P-LSD for treatment-resistant depression or ALD-52-assisted therapy for PTSD, underscore their potential, as with their parent molecule, to reshape therapeutic landscapes.

As we stand at the crossroads of evolving perceptions, societal attitudes, and scientific advances, LSD analogues beckon us to embrace this journey with care. We must tread mindfully while traversing this uncharted terrain, increasingly guided by scientific rigor and ethical responsibility. As the psychedelic renaissance continues unabated LSD analogues will serve as novel pathways to altered consciousness, and windows into the human psyche.

Legal Status

The legal status of LSD analogues varies between jurisdictions. While the United States’ Analog Act raises questions about similarity and control, the European Union navigates a diverse array of regulations. Meanwhile, other regions like Australia and New Zealand employ tailored legislation. As policies evolve, conversations about harm reduction, responsible use, and therapeutic potential shape the trajectory of these compounds.

The legal status of LSD analogues varies significantly among jurisdictions worldwide. Below is a short summary of the legality of these substances around the world:

United States:

The federal Analog Act empowers authorities to oversee structurally akin compounds to controlled substances. Some analogues, such as ALD-52 and ETH-LAD, reside in ambiguous legal terrain, while others like 1P-LSD have faced legal ramifications.

European Union:

The EU adopts the term “New Psychoactive Substances” to encompass emerging compounds, including LSD analogues. Regulation spans from specific analogues to broader legislation across member states.


Canada’s Controlled Drugs and Substances Act covers analogous substances. Certain analogues, like ALD-52, might evade strict regulation due to structural distinctions.

Australia and New Zealand:

Both countries maintain rigorous regulations. New Zealand’s Psychoactive Substances Act mandates safety evidence, while Australian states implement analogue-specific laws.

Global Variations:

Regions, including Japan, Russia, and parts of Asia, institute regulations for LSD analogues. Rapid compound emergence, however, poses challenges for effective control.

David Blackbourn | Community Blogger at Chemical Collective

David is one of our community bloggers here at Chemical Collective. If you’re interested in joining our blogging team and getting paid to write about subjects you’re passionate about, please reach out to David via email at blog@chemical-collective.com

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11 months ago

Awesome, there is most if not all LSD analogs listed here, i will most defenetly come back here to remind myself of some information about them!

1 year ago

1cP has to be closest thing to the real deal after years of researching imo. Superb.

Last edited 1 year ago by Lysergic
Lily Pict
1 year ago

LSD analogues are seriously like a medication. With the diagnosis BPD/DID I was always in some kind of therapy, since I was 9 years old. And what an odyssey to find some medications that would fit half way (I’ve been from A to X, from Anafranil over Paroxetine, Lithium, Lyrica to Xanax). And what did help me in the end? My cousin who was a fantastic Irish Shaman. He taught me many things and psychedelic helped me to get my head, the place in it and the “people ” in order. To me feeling the beginning of a trip feels like,
“I can breathe again! Now we’re good, this is how it’s supposed to be!” And I enjoy not only the optical and auditory “specials”, but my thoughts calming down, me loving to stare into the clouds again, feeling my soul relaxing and breathing freely.
I for my part like to be on my own, or have little chats with my (already grown up) son.
It makes me angry that everything these days is made so difficult, more and more things are suddenly illegal, very often for reasons I honestly cannot understand.
My son is reading 1984 currently and we often talk about how creepy the whole story is, and how scared we are of it…
Alcohol is much more dangerous and devastating to I individuals, families, communities…only considering all the teenagers with alcohol poisoning in the er each weekend, and all the damaged public property is making me angry. Teenagers and grown ups don’t overdose on things because they are available. They do it because they are deeply unhappy. There is something very wrong with our society and the way we are taught to think and judge. Judge others and ourselves. How can we escape this horror if we haven’t one door as an option?
I’m not saying LSD is the ultimate answer to everything here, but I’m damm sure that it could be a great part of the solution we have to work towards to. That’s my opinion, also as a Shaman
Love, Lily💖🇮🇪🤗🍀

1 year ago


1 year ago

Analogues are interesting to research to explore difference among them, each is so unique and as such its crucial to explore all varieties to gain deeper understanding of their effects

1 year ago

To the people who suffer from depression, anxiety and ptsd: I’m one of you guys AND my first, second, third etc…. trip was SO lifechanging that I dont “have” symptoms of my diagnosis. ^^

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