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1V-LSD 10mcg Micro Pellets

Ratings from 40 reviews

Produced by Lizard Labs

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While there is still limited information on the effects of 1V-LSD, preliminary reports seem to suggest it has stronger visuals than LSD-25 and its other analogues. It is also generally accepted to have a longer onset than most lysergamides, often between 2-3 hours.

These 3mm micro pellets contain 10mcg of 1V-LSD and could theoretically be used for conducting microdosing research.

What is Microdosing?

Microdosing is basically the act of consuming a “sub-perceptual” amount of a psychedelic substance, generally with the purpose of increasing motivation, concentration, creativity and productivity. Some people use microdosing to help give themselves the initial boost necessary to form new habits that will benefit them in the long run, while others use them as a springboard of creativity to help them with their business or artistic endeavours.

Some substances that can be microdosed are:

  • LSD
  • 1cP-LSD
  • Psilocybin (Magic mushrooms)
  • Ibogaine
  • DMT
  • Ketamine

Is 1V-LSD suitable for microdosing?

While it is still early days so it’s hard to say, some people seem to prefer 1V-LSD for microdosing due to it’s relatively long and gentle onset period. While these pellets technically should be equivalent to around 8mcg of 1cP-LSD, we still recommend beginning micro-research with half a pellet as there have been some reports of stronger than expected results.

For further information please read our 1V-LSD Ultimate Guide.

All products are strictly for research purposes only and not for human consumption.

Store in a cool, dry place away from sunlight. Lysergamides and Tryptamines should be kept below 20'c where possible

Product Name: 1V-LSD 10mcg Pellets

Other Name(s): 1-Valeroyl-lysergic acid diethylamide hemi-L-tartrate

IUPAC: (8β)-1-pentanoyl-N,N-diethyl-6-methyl-9,10-didehydroergoline-8-carboxamide hemi-L-tartrate


Active Ingredient(s): 1V-LSD L-tartrate (10 mcg)

Other Ingredient(s): MCC, colloidal silicon dioxide, sodium starch glycolate, sodium stearyl fumarate, E131

NMR Measurment Report
NMR Measurement
Report Available
Sample name: 1VTART 25/06/21
Spectrometer: GCMS
Expected compound:
Identified compound:
Estimated purity:

Click here for the full report.

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Read Reviews

40 reviews for 1V-LSD 10mcg Micro Pellets

  1. Eva Maria Mohl

    2 Pellets für mehr Harmonie, gegen Depressionen und Ängste, verbesserte Selbstakzeptanz und Handlungsfähigkeit

  2. Amit

    Helped me boost some creativity

  3. Alman (verified owner)

    La presentación del producto es perfecta: sobre opaco de protección y dentro todas las unidades intactas. Comencé con 10mcg pero no sentí nada, cambié a 20mcg, también cada 48horas y es una maravilla, sensación de alegría y motivación sin efectos adversos hasta el momento. Te cambia la vida. Gracias.

  4. Sascha (verified owner)

    Very nice product. High quality. Easy to dose correctly.

  5. pat_camerlengo

    Hat perfekt gewirkt. Alles wie erwartet. Super Produkt. Keine bösen Nachwirkungen.

  6. Zajda (verified owner)

    Super záležitost… Funguje parádně 😌👍😇

  7. ogvoicek

    V pohodě, dobrej microdosing. Přišlo kamarádovi, doporučuji.

  8. powerbud (verified owner)

    Très bon produit👍, pour des journées sans recul pour ma part 20π touts les 48 heures que du bonheur 😊

  9. Adrazar

    Bin super zufrieden, schade das man nun umsteigen muss.

  10. Juan

    Pude dejar de tomar medicación para la ansiedad (benzodiazepinas) durante el tiempo que tomé microdosis. Me “limpié” de benzodiazepinas y no sufrí síndrome de abstinencia, pues las microdosis fué un buen sustituto. La primera vez que tomé microdosis me sentí relajado y con una sonrisa interior y exterior (una sensación que necesitaba), las siguientes microdosis fueron positivas igualmente, pero menos intensas. Aún tengo que experimentar más.
    Buen servicio y buen equipo

  11. gravel

    Pour débuter c’est excellent. Arrive par vague douce après 1h pour moi. 180mc c’est parfait pour moi et 80 mc pour une femme que je connait. Mon poids est de 75 kilos et la femme 54 kilos. Pour tester prudent par tranche de 20mc. Tester de façons plus convainquant par tranche de 50mc. Personnellement 10mc ne me fait rien.

  12. Sarah Heinze (verified owner)

    Super schnelle Lieferung und perfekt für Microdosing.
    1-3 Pellets reichen aus um gewünschte Effekte zu erzielen.

  13. Kilto (verified owner)

    I dissolved the pellets in vodka, to find the right dosage for me, and now I take around 13ug, and it his really changing my way of life now, i’m more focused, I sleep better and I managed to stop smoking cannabis

  14. Sneezy (verified owner)

    After finding the right dosage for me it is truly live changing for me as a person with epilepsy and depression. Bless y’all me sister’s and brother’s

  15. MrFuchs

    Die Pellets sind wirklich perfekt fürs Microdosing, einfach ein Pellet nach dem Aufstehen unter die Zunge gelegt und der Tag ist einfach ein bisschen besser. Es ist ein bisschen schwer es genauer zu erklären, es fühlt sich an, als wäre der Kontrast der Welt ein paar Stufen höher gestellt.
    Ich habe einige Antidepressiva ausprobiert, aber leider ohne nennenswerten Effekt. Bereits nach dem ersten Versuch von 10mcg 1V-LSD hellte meine Stimmung auf, dieser Effekt hielt den ganzen Tag über an, ohne das ich negative Effekte erlebt habe.

  16. Monotech1990

    Wahnsinn! Ich bin bipolar und habe 1V-LSD ausprobiert weil keine Medikamente geholfen haben und ich am Ende war. Ich glaube ich habe die Krankheit seid dem überwunden und bin heute ein fröhlicher Mensch der positiv in die Zukunft blickt. Danke!!

  17. Nate


  18. Highdel

    Perfect for micro/macrodosing! Fast shipment and discreet packaging. Very good and clean quality. Valerie is definitely my favorite now!

  19. T R

    I micro dosed first with truffles, but they had little effect. then moved on to these – THESE IS FANTASTIC. I have been macrodosing with these since 1 and half months. I cannot recommend them enough. I tried 10 mg first, and then 20mg. I prefer 20. It is still a sub hallugenic dose for me, I don’t feel high, I just feel better. I get things done, I am generally more creative and more tolerant of others.

  20. Seadelare

    Top ! Love these pills so much…

  21. pfefferhase

    perfect for microdosing

  22. Pomelo

    Very fast shipping and not a single pill is crushed, thanks!
    After reading the reviews I started with half a 10mgc Pill and I didn’t felt anything (as intended). I wanted to see how much I need to feel an actual subtle effect, whre a midi dose starts for me. I feel a very subtle positive effect without tripping when I take up to 4 pills. When i take 5 pills I get subtle visuals, so that’s the line for the midi trip for me. My mood is unbelievably good, I’m productive, happy and social. These pills are abolsutely amazing and I’m so happy they are legal in germany until at least september 21st. So I definitely order again…many times, and many more 🙂

  23. chinaprodukt

    perfect for microdosing, i like those!

  24. tiedemann

    Super fast and secure delivery. So far, my research has been nothing but positive – excellent results regarding mood, productivity and focus, as well as surprisingly positive results regarding chronic pain. Very satisfied with the product as well as CC 🙂

  25. simiswim

    Ich glaube nicht an den Microdosingkult, aber der Service ist super, das Produkt – in Dosierungen ab Mini oder Midi – auch

  26. j4s-mv

    first class product. CC is the nr. 1 source.

  27. itsme

    Shipping and all was a smooth experience (took ~24h from payment to delivery). The subject started experimenting with 20µg and felt slight euphoria & elevated mood. More tests will be conducted.
    Great experience CC, thank you!

  28. alex4eva

    Super schnelle Lieferung, und durch die geringe Dosierung pro Tablette lässt sich die Forschungschemikalie auch perfekt für jeden dosieren.

  29. J18

    top produkt schnelle lieferung

  30. ScootScoot

    Ordering and shipping process went super fast. Packaging is good and secure. Product as advertised 🙂

  31. Calbrador

    Although i am not so sure if it has a positive effect on me or not it still got shipped to me flawlessly. It is furthermore packeded quite well

  32. frauki

    Only one out of 100 was broken (but still usable). Last time I ordered at a different shop where 50% had turned to dust by the time they arrived. Really fast delivery as well. Very happy with my purchase.

  33. ZalupaBolshayaUMenya

    Great for depression, good mood and energy.
    Dose is just perfect.

  34. Moe123

    I am very convinced of the product. In addition, the fast delivery is added. The dosage is also perfect. If one is too much, you can take a half to get the effect, but don’t be too trippy:)

  35. Nilhuse721 (verified owner)

    Very interesting results ! 10mcg is really interesting !! Love it and worth the price ! No difference with 1cp LSD

  36. Lisa956

    Really potent little things indeed. I took 20mcg thinking it would be equivalent to 10mcg normal LSD and now I’m feeling way too much of an effect. Definitely worth their money!

  37. Charles55

    Schnelle Lieferung, sogar schon im richtigen Beutel, gute Qualität, top

  38. theoneandonly

    Great for subtle effects!

  39. Cmorrison

    Took 10mcg on an empty stomach, was to much for me! 9 hrs into still slightly trippin‘, seems to be really potent. Got a heavy headache after 4 hours that lasted a few hours.

  40. prigogine

    microdosing for brain re-education after major depression, great product.

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