3-Methyl-PCP HCL

Produced by Lizard Labs
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Responsible Research with 3-Methyl-PCP [3-Me-PCP]
Always practice responsible research. You should read and educate yourself before undertaking research with any chemical. 3-Me-PCP is a completely novel chemical, so use extra precaution when conducting research with it.
WARNING This product is not for human or veterinary use.
What is 3-Me-PCP?
3-Me-PCP is a novel dissociative of the arylcyclohexylamine class. It is believed to have been invented in China during 2020 by the same laboratory that produces chemicals for Long Flourish Research and ResearchChemsClub. Very little is known of this novel compound due to its recent synthesis. Initial reports suggest subjective effects similar to those of ketamine.
As so little is known about 3-Me-PCP, we will give some information about the class of chemicals it belongs to – arylcyclohexylamines.
Chemical Properties
3-Me-PCP is an arylcyclohexylamine dissociative. An arylcyclohexylamine is composed of a cyclohexylamine unit with an aryl moiety attachment. The aryl group is positioned geminal to the amine. In the simplest cases, the aryl moiety is typically a phenyl ring, sometimes with additional substitution. The amine is usually not primary; secondary amines such as methylamino or ethylamino, or tertiary cycloalkylamines such as piperidino and pyrrolidino, are the most commonly encountered N-substituents.
Pharmacological effects
Arylcyclohexylamines varyingly possess NMDA receptor antagonistic, dopamine reuptake inhibitory, and μ-opioid receptor agonistic properties. Additionally, σ receptor agonistic, nACh receptor antagonistic, and D2 receptor agonistic actions have been reported for some of these agents. Antagonism of the NMDA receptor confers anesthetic, anticonvulsant, neuroprotective, and dissociative effects; blockade of the dopamine transporter mediates stimulant and euphoriant effects as well as psychosis in high amounts; and activation of the μ-opioid receptor causes analgesic and euphoriant effects. Stimulation of the σ and D2 receptors may also contribute to hallucinogenic and psychotomimetic effects.
Other well known arylcyclohexylamines include 3-MeO-PCP, ketamine and 2-FDCK.
Some of the most commonly reported effects are:
- Euphoria
- Dizziness
- Dissociation
- Localised anaesthesia
- Tingling sensations
- Anxiety suppression
- Mild visual hallucinations
- Conceptual thinking
Potential Side Effects
- Shallowness of breath
- Nausea
- Dizziness
- Faintness
- Motor control loss
3-Me-PCP is illegal in any country that has a blanket ban on arylcyclohexylamines or NPS’s, so please do your own research before ordering!
All products are strictly for research purposes only and not for human consumption.
Store in a cool, dry place away from sunlight. Lysergamides and Tryptamines should be kept below 20'c where possible
Product Name: 3-Methyl-PCP hydrochloride
Other Name(s): 3-Me-PCP, 3-methyl-PCP, 3-methylphencyclidine hydrochloride
IUPAC: 1-[1-(3-methylphenyl)cyclohexyl]-piperidine hydrochloride

Report Available

Click here for the full report.
albertt –
No está mal
Sernylum –
One of, if not the best PCP analogue on the market right now, can be felt within a few minutes. Manic, stimmy, trippy, social, potent… it has it all.
Adam732 –
Amazing quality and very potent be careful
dom_22 –
Active at doses as low as 1mg. VERY underrated anxiolytic effects that are on par with traditional anxiolytic medication. Volumetric dosing is pretty much required !
dewressed –
This stuff is so sick dude…
XileX –
Very interesting substance, more potent than other PCP analogues
FinnyXYZJoseph (verified owner) –
More potent than any other PCP analogue. The mania from this one is insane. Also it’s very caustic so be careful with it.
barry (verified owner) –
I wasnt much of a fan of the 3 me pcpy but honestly I was quite taken by surprise when I researched the 3 methly pcp I would definitely taking extra safety precautions if you bring this one in for testing a little goes a long way
Michael –
Cannot compete. This is the one. The final boss.
anormllife22 (verified owner) –
as a substance its great similar to 3 meo pcp but missing some *magic*
however it has its own magic quite nice stuff
Lisa956 –
Extremely powerful substance, though I wouldn’t recommend it to people who have never made experiences with that kind of stuff.
Lyon (verified owner) –
The feeling of this disso had me absolutely blown away the fast onset/comeup and amazing effects on the audio with insufflating only down side is it is the most painful substance I have ever insufflated
Magnus Laboratories –
This analytical sample seemed to show relatively high oxidation activity: a rather hard dissociatives salt with surprisingly high acidity. Duration for completely dissolving the tester was around 24 hours.
Very amazing spectography. Thank you very much for the sample.