Delirium and Confusion: A prevailing theme is the profound confusion and disorientation that users often experience. The line between reality and hallucination becomes blurred, leading to difficulties in distinguishing between what is real and what is imagined.
Imagery friends may not be nice by Ryan.
This is about the time i could not distinguish my imaginary friends from real people. I began to talk to people that weren’t there the entire following day. The fact that they would talk to me for 5 minutes and then disappear was not unusual for me.
Encounters with Imaginary Entities: Many individuals report interacting with people, animals, or fantastical beings that are not present in reality. These interactions can be vivid and may feel entirely convincing to the person experiencing them.
Nightmares in Flux Dutura by Jaymz
I went into my bedroom and got online to check my email. Suddenly I saw a miniature version of myself walk out of my monitor. He sat down on my computer desk and started talking to me.We had a very deep conversation about life, love, and many other things. Then, he told me that I needed to go get some water. I went to the bathroom and filled a cup up with water and a bottle cap for my little friend. I went back to the room, and my little friend was gone.
Time Distortion: Distorted perceptions of time are a common theme. Users may feel as though time is moving slowly or may lose track of time altogether.
Time started to slow down, slower and slower, until it eventually stopped. Everything around me was suspended in time. My cat was frozen, my totem pole who was talking to me just a minute ago, was now frozen in time with his mouth open in mid-sentence.
Symbolic Imagery: Users may describe experiencing symbolic or archetypal imagery, similar to dream-like scenarios. These can be highly individual and influenced by personal experiences, fears, or cultural backgrounds.
I no longer live in the real world. By into life slumber.
Then a woman walked from my bedroom, a woman I had never seen before. I remember her like I remember my own name. She was soooo beautiful, her hair was a vibrant dark red, her deep green eyes were full of compassion and warmth, she looked at me like a daughter would look at her father after a long embrace. When she spoke she didn’t move her mouth, rather, I would understand what she was communicating to me without using words. She was the spirit of my plant.
Blood Is a common occurrence that many individuals, when looking into the mirror, perceive themselves covered in blood or bleeding from their eyes. Similarly, they may encounter others who appear to be covered in blood, with no apparent concern from anyone involved. Nightmares in Flux ‘When I looked in the mirror, it wasn’t me that I saw. It was a bloody mess. My face was mutilated beyond recognition.’
Speaking in Tongues. Thinking the conversation was normal only to be told they were speaking Gibberish.
Trouble urinating. This seemed to be true for a lot of people.
Interestingly a final theme that seems to be recurring in people’s experiences is smoking cigarettes.
Many people report a never-ending cigarette and how lovely and enjoyable smoking is.
This makes perfect sense when you see that part of the Cholinergic system includes Nicotinic Receptors.
Quote From Late Night Parties and Everlasting Cigarettes, by Anonymous
For some odd reason I always had a cigarette in my hand that would never go out or need to be ashed. So my attention went from the mirror to my hand where a freshly lit cigarette sat waiting to be smoked. This made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. I smoked and smoked and smoked and again the cigarette never burned down any.
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scary but fascinating… maybe once before death id like to try though 😯
Very interesting article
Powerful but go ahead with caution
Fortunately or unfortunately i’ve used some datura plants for around 1 to 2 years if my memory is correct.
I was in my late teens and wanted to explore the mind and be a true psychonaut, at the same time living in a place where the only things available were hashish, heroin and cocaine and some meds.
I could only get hashish at the time and some meds, so if i wanted to explore i would have to explore the plant world where i lived. Remember this was pre-internet, so my sources were the public library and some books on BBS’s.
I found datura at the time and i’ve tried some times, i mean more than 20 and less than 100, my memory was too fucked up.
This thing is mostly a deliriant, now i can see how it could be a adjuvant plant on a psychedelic brew but solo its mostly a different reality in shades of grey. Like my dreams, i can’t remember seeing color, and to me its the same on datura.
This effects are really “real”, like i remember myself and i’ve seen my friend smoking a cigar that didn’t exist, and we could feel the all experience like it was real, like no difference from real real. Then it comes to a point where the cigar disapears and we get all WTF happened here? wheres the cigar?
Datura dehydrates the all body to a point that you don’t have a point of humidity on you, at least that’s how you feel. You feel the skin dry, the mouth dry, the tong, the throat, the lungs, the nose, the eyes, your private parts, everything is dry. And it takes days to return to normal.
Also the visions, on the next day one still has the occasional visuals and “dreams” but now they are more eye candy if one could call that.
To me this plants were used at a time that i was different, that my thirst of psychonautic experiences were intense. Now that i satiate that thirst i don’t see my self never never using this class of plants again. Never!
Great ! I just did a video on it ! glad to share more info with my community