Grandiose delusions (also known as delusions of grandeur) are characterised by a belief in one’s extraordinary nature, i.e. the belief that one is very powerful or enlightened. These delusions often have a religious, supernatural, or science-fiction theme. Grandiose delusions are common in bipolar disorder, manifesting in the manic phase of the condition. Mania involves an extreme elevation of mood and energy, resulting in lack of sleep, excessive talking, grand plans, distractability, and – in some cases – grandiose beliefs.
Patients with bipolar disorder are typically screened out of psychedelic clinical trials, due to the risk of psychedelics triggering a manic episode. Indeed, this effect has been observed in patients. Grandiose delusions are a possible adverse effect of psychedelics, which is a greater risk for those with bipolar disorder, although these delusions can occur in those without a personal or family history of the condition as well.
A common psychedelic delusion of the grandiose variety is the messiah complex (which both bipolar and schizophrenic patients have been known to experience). This is a mental state in which a person believes they are a messiah, saviour, or prophet, such as the second coming of Christ. They will feel a strong conviction about how their purpose is to save humanity. It’s an exaggerated sense of importance, power, or identity. It can be summed up in the lyrics from Tool’s track ‘Rosetta Stoned’, which is about a man retelling his LSD/UFO abduction experience to a doctor:
E.T. revealed to me his singular purpose. He said, “You are the Chosen One, the One who will deliver the message. A message of hope for those who choose to hear it and a warning for those who do not.” Me. The Chosen One? They chose me!!! And I didn’t even graduate from fuckin’ high school.
Those already with high levels of narcissism or messianic tendencies may be especially prone to experience a messiah complex while tripping. But this risk can be present even in those without already highly inflated egos. This is because the psychedelic experience can be marked by a feeling of enlightenment, in which someone reports experiences such as:
- The sense of understanding fundamental reality (the noetic quality)
- Ego dissolution
- Universal compassion and love
- Pure bliss and peace
- Meeting God
- Seeing into the past and future
- Reading other people’s minds
- Accessing other dimensions
- Making contact with entities and spirits
- Talking to the dead
This mystical state may convince the user that they are a prophet or an enlightened being, endowed with special new knowledge and powers that can be used to save others. If this delusion does not occur during or immediately after the psychedelic mystical state, it may occur after the acute effects of the drug have worn off. What someone experienced on psychedelics may later convince them that they are now a special spiritual being, worthy of prophet or messiah status.
Other varieties of psychedelic delusions of grandeur include the belief that one has been gifted special or supernatural abilities (e.g. telepathy, telekinesis, psychokinesis, clairvoyance, precognition, psychic powers) or that one is more important than others. After a powerful psychedelic trip, a grandiose delusion may include the belief that one deserves guru status or has special access to the divine – the unique ability to communicate directly with God or the spirit world, which others lack.
Another delusion of grandeur may be the belief that one can spot all the hidden meanings and connections in the world, perhaps seeing the reality of grand conspiracies that others are blind to due to their conditioning. This kind of grandiose delusion can result in social isolation; it can lead to feelings of disconnection from others and lead people to distance themselves from the person experiencing this unhealthy ego trip.
One grandiose delusion, common in spiritual circles, is the belief that one is God. On the one hand, this isn’t necessarily problematic or pathological. It can be a legitimate (although questionable) spiritual belief that everyone is God, or has an aspect of the divine. But the grandiosity comes when one is excessively focused on one’s supposed divine nature, to the exclusion of seeing others as having this divine nature. Thus, this grandiose delusion, perhaps influenced by psychedelics, is the sense that one is the ultimate divine being, possessing qualities like omnipotence, omniscience, and omnibenevolence.
A potential aspect of grandiose delusions is false memories, which are a possible effect of psychedelics. This potential effect makes working with psychedelics tricky, particularly in cases when a person remembers, or claims to remember, a repressed traumatic event, such as sexual abuse. The psychedelic researcher Manoj Doss told Big Think, “Memory research doesn’t really provide evidence for the idea of recovered memories, particularly recovered trauma memories. The problem with PTSD is not that people can’t remember their trauma; it’s that they can’t forget it.” Similarly, the philosopher Aidan Lyon states that “psychedelic-induced recollections of real memories may be the exception rather than the norm.” Nonetheless, Doss believes that “regardless of the veracity of a recovered memory, if it helps someone, that’s usually all that matters, though I do think we need to be careful when it comes to things like accusations or even delusions of grandeur in past lives.”
Past life recollection, whether psychedelic-induced or not, often carries a sense of self-importance: people like to believe they lived as someone special – some powerful, wealthy, or highly spiritual individual, rather than (more likely) someone of much lower status. This idea then inflates their existing ego.
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