DMXE HCL 40mg Pellets

Produced by Lizard Labs
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Responsible Research with DMXE
Always practice responsible research. You should read and educate yourself before undertaking research with any chemical. DMXE is an extremely novel chemical, so use the utmost caution during your experiments. Never conduct research with a chemical without learning about it first.
What is DMXE?
DMXE is a dissociative substance of the arylcyclohexylamine class that produces dissociative, anesthetic, stimulating and hallucinogenic effects when administered.
It was believed to have been first synthesised by a laboratory in the Netherlands in 2020.
Little is known about DMXE due to its relative novelty, so we will provide information about the chemical class it belongs to – arylcyclohexylamines.
We also have an Ultimate Guide to DMXE that’s well worth reading.
Chemical Properties
DMXE is an arylcyclohexylamine dissociative. An arylcyclohexylamine is composed of a cyclohexylamine unit with an aryl moiety attachment. The aryl group is positioned geminal to the amine. In the simplest cases, the aryl moiety is typically a phenyl ring, sometimes with additional substitution. The amine is usually not primary; secondary amines such as methylamino or ethylamino, or tertiary cycloalkylamines such as piperidino and pyrrolidino, are the most commonly encountered N-substituents.
Pharmacological effects
Initial reports suggest that DMXE shares many subjective properties with MXE. More-so than other chemicals such as MXPr, MXiPr and DCK.
Due to the lack of research regarding the substance, all discussion regarding the pharmacology of it is purely based on its structure and subjective effect similarities to other arylcyclohexylamine dissociatives such as ketamine, PCE and methoxetamine (3-MeO-2′-Oxo-PCE). While no scientific studies have been conducted to verify this, structure-activity relationship analysis suggests that 2′-Oxo-PCE likely exhibits its observed effects principally as an NMDA receptor antagonist, although other neurotransmitter systems may be involved.
NMDA receptors (a subtype of receptors for glutamate, which are the principal excitatory neurotransmitters in the nervous system) allow for electrical signals to pass between nerve cells in the brain and spinal column; for the signals to pass, the receptor must be open. NMDA receptor antagonists have been shown to disrupt this signaling by blocking these receptors. This disconnection of information flow in the nervous system leads to loss of sensation (anesthesia), difficulty moving (motor discoordination), and eventually this substance’s equivalent of the “K-hole.”
Some of the most commonly reported effects are:
- Stimulation
- Perception of bodily lightness
- Physical autonomy
- Physical euphoria
- Dissociation
- Enhanced proprioception
Potential Side Effects
- Lightheadedness
- Dizziness
- Motor control loss
- Orgasm suppression
- Mania
DMXE is classified as illegal in:
- United Kingdom
This list is not exhaustive, so do your own research into the legal status in your country before ordering!
All products are strictly for research purposes only and not for human consumption.
Store in a cool, dry place away from sunlight. Lysergamides and Tryptamines should be kept below 20'c where possible
Product Name: DMXE Hydrochloride 40mg Pellets
Other Name(s): Deoxymethoxetamine, 3D-MXE, methetamine, 3-Me-2′-oxo-PCE Hydrochloride
IUPAC Name: 2-(ethylamino)-2-(3-methylphenyl)-cyclohexanone hydrochloride
Molar Mass: 267.8 g/mol

Report Available

Click here for the full report.
albertt (verified owner) –
Me encantó
swtchr –
Very interesting product. My rats had come-up after around 30 minutes. One is ideal dose. Very great to mix with weed and SMALL amount of alcohol.
Alexandra Procházková –
Velmi zajímavé, určitě potřebuji otestovat znovu. Člověk je potom dizzy, jedna peleta mi ale přišla málo.
Mhm119 –
mel jsem jen o-pce, takze nedokazu rict k cemu se to vic podoba, ale po zkušenosti s o-pce jen a jen doporučuji. peak je tak do 1h, mel jsem zivejsi myslenky, verim ze by klidne mohla byt i “hole”. dobry taky na mixnuti s thc, ale to at si kazdy urci sam. kazdopadne doporucuji
adrianxhunterx –
Solitude :) (verified owner) –
Franchement molécules excellente durée parfaite j’ai testé 40mg c’est trop pour moi alors 20mg c’est parfait je recommande pour toute les personnes qui cherchent a se detendre et se sentir “partir” de leur corp 🙂
Kheres (verified owner) –
Excellent molecule as always. A bit short on the duration but perfect disso
samsarafugitive47 –
first introduction to Arylcyclohexylamine family, and I must admit I’m pleased. test subject dosed 20mgs, and they found it pleasant but short lived and confusing. I recommend 40mg to both lean and thick test subjects. 20mg dosed orally to my skinny test subject resulted in a wonderful but spacious feeling leaving more to be experienced. redosed 20mg almost 3 hours after first dose, what happened next is yet to be seen. while I keep having meetings in the lab with this delightful DMXE, I may become a fan of dissos. fantastic service from the CC team. thank you for being professional but still staying true to love and peace. what you do is most valued. quick delivery and good offers.
Amit –
This has been my firstt time trying a dissociative, has been a revelation to me imo
ewatchorzewska21 –
Najwyższa jakość. Wszystko gra tak jak powinno z zamówieniem. Polecam
ogvoicek (verified owner) –
Zkušenost byla vetšinou nepřijemného rázu, ale kdyby bylo potřeba tak výzkum podstoupím znovu. Doporučuji tam poslat 2 zároveň, stav je kompletní do hodiny po pozření. Něco jako Ketamin a PCP dohromady..
VoicekCZ –
I do not recommend 2 for inexperiented psychonauts without sitter, though. (It is true SWIM had only experience with powder at similar dosage than you are recommending and it was surely more intense and quicker comeup then pallets because of route of administration (nasal).) I do not have experience with these pallets though so speaking just theoretically.
Quartcor –
Výborné střelivo, já a mé morčátka jsme se náramně bavili.
Safman (verified owner) –
Moje nová oblíbená látka na vyzkum
Korcorpse –
Great pill, just little underdosed in my opinion
PikaImperatriss (verified owner) –
Dissociatif très psychédélique, agréable et coloré, soulage très bien les crise autistique liée au hyper sensibilité X)
Štěpán Seidl –
chemical research started after about 10-20 minutes, I enjoyed it a lot but it only lasted about 1-2 hours , this experience corresponds to 20 mg
ZioTanos (verified owner) –
veramente spettacolare non avevo mai provato la ketamina ma devo dire che quest’analogo è il top, con 40mg ti colpisce dopo 10 minuti e sei tutto anestetizzato, la prima che ho preso è stata il top, il giorno dopo la seconda che ho preso invece mi ha letteralmente mandato una paranoia pesante e sono dovuto rimanere sdraiato cosciente ma distrutto per tipo 30 minuti, poi mi sono messo a guardare “X: A Sexy Horror Story” e mi son ripreso, con tutto che ero sballatissimo sono riuscito a comprendere tutta la filosofia del film, emancipazione e questioni inerenti, questa sostanza devo dire mi ha proprio sorpreso.
NekoLoli420 (verified owner) –
had a very pleasant and enjoyable experience with 20mg.
it lasted for only 1h, but I only also took small dose.
odima (verified owner) –
super effects but last 1 hour very short
40 mg is the perfect dose not less not more
RealPolda (verified owner) –
Výzkum nastal velmi rychle zhruba 15-20 minut dosti podobné chemikálii “Ket”
aski12345a –
Un poco pesado pero no esta nada mal, recomendable probar
ChigsaOm (verified owner) –
Super nice
Annoyingpeopleonelectricscooters (verified owner) –
Effect were not present to me , my friend however was sick and was not really aware but i wouldnt recommend it due to my bad experience
egg2020 –
I got two pills and took them both at once, it seemed really nice and pleasant but the effects were very short-lived
I’ll definitely be more interested in researching more of it in the future!
beatlee –
jest ok
Tetanoss (verified owner) –
Good stuff, pleasant and strong effect. 1 is more than enough. Effects last approximately 1 hour.
Diego –
Me gusta muchísimo y volvere a comprar
Diego –
Tengo que probar esto con amigos
abdissar –
That stuff is pretty strong, and oh boy, my test subjects do love it.
Sernylum –
extremely warm and ”fuzzy” disso, with no tolerance is pretty potent.
Lucasyn –
Really interesting substance
VJBs (verified owner) –
Top quality product! At first it seemed that it was less effective than in hcl form. But I was wrong! After resetting tolerance only 20mgs gave me wonderful researches and 40 mgs were the top! No need to go further!
PS: I don’t know if it could be a bias put I always burn some incence in the lab while doing research.
Nilhuse721 (verified owner) –
Little bit less potent then HCL but does the job right !!
M –
Gute Qualität, Sehr interessantes Produkt!
Jules (verified owner) –
Effekte von sehr kurzer Dauer, das Potenzial war aber erahnbar. Bei meinem Test waren 40mg aber scheinbar zu niedrig. Preis/Gram verhältnis dürfte beim HCL Puder besser sein. Verträglichkeit ist aber gut.
Moravia –
Very nice molecules
Sweet in a half – truly good in one – creative in oneandahalf
Schnoz –
Sehr interessantes Produkt, habe schon einige Tests damit gemacht und muss sagen, ich bin mehr als überzeugt. Sehr schade dass dieses Produkt wegen dem NpSG demnächst verboten wird, werde auf jeden fall etwas aufstocken und empfehle auch anderen dasselbe zu tun!
M –
I’ve only tested 1/4 so far, but I have to say it’s a very interesting substance.
Chris Saey (verified owner) –
Gewohnt hochwertige Qualität von Liazard Labs, und ein sehr angenehmes Produkt muss ich sagen.