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1S-LSD is a novel lysergamide and prodrug of LSD-25. It is closely related to well-known LSD analogues, such as 1D-LSD (1T-LSD), 1V-LSD, 1cP-LSD and 1P-LSD.

Designed as a new legal successor of 1D-LSD (1T-LSD) by Lizard Labs, the effects reportedly remain very similar.

All German orders of 1S-LSD are shipped via Deutsche Post by our German office, with 1-3 day shipping times.

Showing all 4 results

1S-LSD 150mcg Blotters From 29.00
1S-LSD 225mcg Pellets From 42.00
1S-LSD 10mcg Micro Pellets From 20.00
1S-LSD 225mcg Art Design Blotters


1S-LSD 225mcg Art Design Blotters From 42.00
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