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Pipes & Bongs

We have spent many hours searching the internet for the best pipes and bongs available worldwide.

After much consideration, we’ve settled on a small range of products that we will expand upon slowly as we’re able to establish more working relationships with quality artisans and manufacturers. We will remain very selective and aim to offer only the best available in a variety of price brackets.

Many of these products are handmade by experienced artisans and craftspeople using natural materials. The others are expertly designed to the smallest detail and manufactured using the highest quality materials in the USA, Germany and elsewhere.

We’ve had so much enjoyment from discovering and experimenting with these wonderful creations. We hope you enjoy them as much as we do!


Showing all 17 results

16″ Alpha Bong – Vitae Glass 230.00
16″ Classic UFO Bong – Vitae Glass 250.00
16″ The Ship Bong – Vitae Glass 279.00
16″ Tri Trio Bong – Vitae Glass 249.00
16″ Voyager Bong – Vitae Glass 299.00
Leaf Bowl – Vitae Glass 20.00
Bong Carry Case – Vitae Glass 10.00
“Le Petit №4″│Pipe Handmade by SCHMAUCH® 90.00
“Long Moroccan”│Pipe Handemade by SCHMAUCH® 275.00
“Old Pothead”│Spiral pipe Handmade by SCHMAUCH® 150.00
Poker Pipe│Handmade Pipe by SCHMAUCH® 60.00
Sir Winston’s Daily│Glass Blunt│Handmade by SCHMAUCH® 100.00
Sauberschmauch│Activated Carbon Filter Joint Holder│Handmade by SCHMAUCH® 50.00
Marley Natural Bubbler 100.00
Marley Natural Steamroller 44.00
Marley Natural Taster 22.00
Purize Activated Carbon Filters│Made with Coconut Activated Charcoal│Plastic-Free


Purize Activated Carbon Filters│Made with Coconut Activated Charcoal│Plastic-Free From 8.00
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