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Showing all 24 results

1S-LSD 150mcg Blotters From 29.00
1S-LSD 225mcg Pellets From 42.00
1S-LSD 10mcg Micro Pellets From 20.00
1V-LSD 150mcg Blotters From 22.00
1V-LSD 225mcg Art Design Blotters From 35.00
1V-LSD 225mcg Pellets From 35.00
1V-LSD 10mcg Micro Pellets From 15.00
1cP-LSD 100mcg Blotters From 18.00
1cP-LSD 150mcg Art Design Blotters From 25.00
1cP-LSD 20mcg Micro Blotters From 18.00
1cP-LSD 10mcg Micro Pellets From 15.00
3-Me-PCE HCL From 16.00
3-Methyl-PCP HCL From 17.00
3-Me-PCPy HCL From 21.00
DMXE HCL From 20.00
DMXE HCL 40mg Pellets From 10.00
5-MeO-DMT Freebase From 23.95
1V-LSD “Valerie” T-Shirt 30.00
Save the Bufo! 5-MeO-DMT T-Shirt 30.00
Chemical Collective Custom Sticker Pack│10 Unique Designs 6.00
White Borneo│Kratom Tea Bags


White Borneo│Kratom Tea Bags 14.95
Strawberry Green OG Bali│Kratom Tea Bags


Strawberry Green OG Bali│Kratom Tea Bags 16.95
Passion Fruit White Borneo│Kratom Tea Bags


Passion Fruit White Borneo│Kratom Tea Bags 16.95
Passion Fruit Maeng Da Morning Blend│Kratom Tea Bags


Passion Fruit Maeng Da Morning Blend│Kratom Tea Bags 11.95
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