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BREAKING NEWS: 1V-LSD to be banned in Germany in 2022

2022 german 1v ban2
in this article
  • German 1V-LSD ban
  • Will there be an alternative to 1V-LSD?
  • What is the NpSG?
  • Can I still order 1V-LSD?
  • Will I get into trouble for ordering 1V-LSD now?
  • What products are legal in Germany?

German 1V-LSD ban

UPDATE October 2022

Lizard Labs have announced 1D-LSD, successor to 1V-LSD and a new legal lysergamide in Germany. We’ve written an article with everything we know up until this point you can read here. You can also buy 1D-LSD here. You can read our 1D-LSD Ultimate Guide here.

UPDATE 30th August 2022

The final few weeks for legal 1V-LSD in Germany are upon us.

The meeting notes for the next Federal Council meeting on September 16th have now been published and sadly the expected NpSG amendment is listed as you can see HERE (Item 55)

This means 1V-LSD will be added to the NpSG and become illegal in Germany shortly after September 16th 2022.

Once the Federal Council votes through an amendment, it needs to be published in to the Federal Gazette, becoming law the day after. This process can take a few days, or a few weeks. In 2021 the last NpSG amendment came in to law 7 days after being discussed by the Federal Council.

This means for all our German customers, there’s just a few weeks remaining to legally purchase 1V-LSD. We recommend stocking up now.

We will continue to ship 1V-LSD to our German customers until the day the ban is published in the Federal Gazette HERE. We will be checking daily from September 16th and recommend all our German customers to do the same before they order. Any orders we can not fulfil will be fully refunded.

Please remember that the NpSG is primarily designed to stop distribution . While it is technically illegal to be in possession of substances covered by the NpSG, penalties are far less harsh than for other substances covered by the BtMG and many believe prosecution for personal use will not be followed up. To date, there have been very few cases of prosecution for personal amounts of substances covered by the NpSG – however as with all legal matters, please do your own research and decide the risks for yourself.

We’ve just received sad and unfortunate news from our reptilian friends over at Lizard Labs that 1V-LSD will soon be added by the German government to the NpSG, making it illegal to distribute, import and purchase within Germany. The time frame isn’t exact, but the ban will likely come into effect in June 2022, much like the previous NpSG revision in 2021 banning 1cP-LSD and all arylcyclohexylamine dissociatives such as 2-FDCK.

Lizard Labs stated in their February Newsletter:

“We’ve recently received information from a reliable source that the German narcotics committee is working on a ban to include 1V-LSD in the NpSG. Although the draft law has not yet been published, we expect that it will be published and approved around June this year.”Why so sudden?

It is important to note that this ban and new legislation haven’t been made public by the German government, however we’re sure Lizard Labs have solid information on this. As soon as the draft gets published – most likely when it gets submitted to the European Commission – we will update this article, link to it, and examine it in depth.

Interestingly and rather shockingly, this would indicate a new secretive direction by the German government for bringing in bans and changes to the NpSG. Changes to the NpSG are traditionally discussed and recommended by a Committee of Experts that meets a few times a year. Agenda notes for these meetings are published HERE and give you an indication of what they are looking at – a good example are the meeting notes from the 53rd meeting that lead to the 2021 NpSG revision banning 1cP-LSD.

You can find the agenda notes from the most recent Committee of experts meeting on 30/11/2021 HERE
As you can see, the notes are empty and do not mention any potential changes to the NpSG, Lysergamide classification, or 1V-LSD.

What does this mean?

Either the German Government are drawing up new legislation to add substances to the NpSG without recommendation by the Committee of Experts, or they are now purposefully withholding information from the Agenda notes to hide what they are discussing. Either way, this is a shocking move by the German government, further moving away from fact or evidence-based decisions.

Will there be an alternative to 1V-LSD?

This is the big question I’m sure many of you – myself included – are wondering.

The short answer is; we hope so, but it is not definite. As Lizard Labs stated in their newsletter:

“We are on the lookout for a suitable successor but, with the unexpected rapidity of this ban, and the trouble we’ve had optimising the synthesis of 1V-LSD, we are not confident that we’ll beat the prohibitionists this time. Hopefully we’ll find a backup but, if not, this could be the end of legal lysergamides in Germany.”

This does not bode well for the future of the German lysergamide market for two reasons. With the ban coming in so quickly (it’s been only 7 months since 1V-LSD was released), this gives Lizard Labs a very short duration of time to recuperate the resources used on producing 1V-LSD. It takes a huge amount of time and research (not that kind of research) for novel lysergamides to be discovered, synthesised, and optimised.

Secondly, the law in Germany keeps expanding, so that the number of potential legal LSD analogues that are chemically stable, safe, and producible on a large scale is getting ever smaller. This means Lizard Labs have a more and more difficult task they need to achieve in a shorter and shorter time frame. 

We have faith that the reptiles will do everything they can to find a legal alternative to 1V-LSD, but it is not guaranteed at the current time. 

We will add regular updates to this article when we receive more information about the upcoming ban.

What is the NpSG?

In Germany, there are several laws that govern drugs. The NpSG or Neue-psychoaktive-Stoffe-Gesetz (New Psychoactive Substances Act) was introduced on November 26th 2016 in an attempt to combat the spread of new psychoactive substances and research chemicals. Previously the BtMG (German Narcotics act) listed and scheduled substances individually, however, the new NpSG took a different approach by banning entire groups of substances to stop altered and novel compounds circumventing the law.

The full up-to-date NpSG act can be found here with chemical definitions for the compounds that fall under it.

Who does it affect?

It’s important to note that while the NpSG is an annex of the BtMG, the prohibition and penal provisions of the NpSG are particularly aimed at manufacturers, dealers, and distributors to stop the manufacture, sale, importation, and distribution of research chemicals within Germany. While it is technically illegal to acquire and be in possession of substances covered by the NpSG, penalties are far less harsh than for other substances covered by the BtMG and some believe prosecution will not be followed up. This does mean, however, once substances fall under the NpSG, most research chemical vendors will stop shipping them to or supplying them to Germany.

As always, we highly recommend you read, interpret and familiarise yourself with the laws within your jurisdiction to make informed decisions about the legality of your research.

For more in-depth information on the NpSG, head to our article on it from last year HERE

Can I still order 1V-LSD?

A question we’re getting a lot – the short answer is: Yes.

Until the amendments to the NpSG have been published in the Federal Gazette, you will be able to buy 1V-LSD as normal.

Will I get into trouble for ordering 1V-LSD now?

No – laws can not be enforced retroactively, so as long as you order (and receive your order) before the NpSG is revised or legislation passed, the entire process is still legal.

It’s important to remember that once the NpSG is revised, all the compounds covered by it will no longer be legal to import, distribute or manufacture in Germany. Possession of compounds covered by the NpsG is still considered illegal however as stated earlier, many people believe possession of small amounts for personal use will not generally be considered a prosecutable offense, as the NpsG is primarily set up to prosecute and penalise importers and distributors over personal users.

Saying this, it is important to read, research and interpret these laws yourself to make a safe and informed decision.

Is my information and contact details safe with you?

Yes. We are a legal, tax-paying Dutch company operating from the Netherlands. Everything we sell is 100% legal in NL and the German government and authority have no jurisdiction over us.

What products are legal in Germany?

We have a dedicated Legal in Germany section to keep things simple. All of these products are shipped domestically from within Germany (excluding headshop items), meaning much quicker and more reliable shipping than if we shipped from The Netherlands.

The following 1V-LSD products are available:

1V-LSD 10mcg Micro Pellets

1V-LSD 150mcg Blotters

1V-LSD 225mcg Custom Design Blotters

1V-LSD 225mcg Pellets

The following Kratom teas are also available:

Lemon Lime Red Bali 

Green OG Bali

All of our merchandise and headshop and magic truffles are also available to Germany, although most of it will be shipped from within the Netherlands, so you should expect slightly longer shipping times with those items.

Let us know what you think in the comments below.

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1 year ago

It would be great to have a country extended and detailed list for what’s actually purchaseable and not depending on local legislation, i’ve honestly made a couple of purchases but sometimes i’m just lazy to check out how that goes like, considering the amount of effort and resources invested by the CC, i think that we should do ourselves a favour and have a public list somewhere in the website with such information along with relational shipping options (ie. remove countries from the shipping options if X substance in the cart can’t be sent over).

1 year ago


Purven-Kai Ten
2 years ago

»Das Wirkliche ist ebenso
zauberhaft, wie das Zauberhafte
wirklich ist.«
Sizilischer Brief an den Mond

Da bleibt uns nur irgendwann die riesige Welt der psychoaktiven Pflanzen. Doch auch hier gilt Vorsicht, manches kann riskant sein. Ganz wichtig ist genügend fundierte Information zu haben, was viel Zeit braucht, – auch um raus zu finden was überhaupt für einen selber passt. Und große Vorsicht bei MAO Hemmern, wo eine riskante Diät nötig ist. Dazu gehört auch Ayahuasca (Dschungelliane Gebräu mit Mimosa Hostillis) und ein paar andere sehr wirkungsvolle Pflanzen. Yohimbe (stärkstes Aphrodisiakum, aus Westafrika) zählt nach neueren Erkenntnissen vor einigen Jahren doch nicht zu den Mao Hemmern. Es gibt viel sehr gute Fachliteratur. Ich empfehle ganz besonders auch das gr. Standardwerk (685 Seiten) des anerkannten Ethnobiologen „Christian Rätsch“ : Enzyklopädie der psychoaktiven Pflanzen“. AT Verlag Botanik, Ethnopahamakologie und Anwendungen – mit einem Vorwort von Albert Hofmann.
Da steht fast alles drin was man wissen muss, auch Anwendung, Dosierung, Erfahrungsberichte usw.

2 years ago

Thats sad 🙁
Has the Goverment officially anounced a ban yet?

2 years ago

Well, this was a fast reaction from the goverment

Pampikos mpikou
2 years ago

the gouvernement is becoming more more complexe this days is time to go found this fuckers and lock them in to a room and make them trip untill the become a better personne …. hahah

2 years ago

Maybe the Lizard have been a bit too provocative this time when they released Valerie the day the predecessor was banned, and now lawmakers feel like they have to prove they still have the power. I’m still glad though, Germany hasn’t entirely ditched rule of law in this regard, as other nations like the US or UK have.

2 years ago

I have dealt with depression for nearly a decade and have tried every prescription drug on the planet before getting pulled out of the abyss by Valerie. Having to go back to dealing with shady people is just devastating news for me. I hate being made to feel like a criminal again just for seeking therapy.

2 years ago

Germany’s lawmakers are mentally handicapped children

2 years ago

Welp, poor Valerie.

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Unfortunately, as many of you are now aware, our beloved Valerie will soon be added to the NpSG, meaning 1V-LSD will be effectively illegal in Germany from around the 21st September 2022 (the exact date is yet to be confirmed). 

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1v pellets
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Exciting news for Lysergamide lovers!! Due to popular demand, we're excited to announce 1V-LSD will soon be available in light blue 10mcg pellets for microdosing and pink 225mcg pellets for macrodosing!! These will be the same 3mm round form factor as the incredibly popular 1cP-LSD 10mcg and 150mcg pellets. Initial pricing will be:

1V-LSD 10mcg Pellets (Light blue) 14 euro - 10 pellets 25 euro - 25 pellets 43 euro - 50 pellets 78 euro - 100 pellets 180 euro - 250 pellets

1V-LSD 225mcg Pellets (Pink) 56 euro - 5 pellets
92 euro - 10 pellets
185 euro - 25 pellets
320 euro - 50 pellets
590 euro - 100 pellets

Keep checking our site to get yours as soon as they're available!

Production levels for 1V-LSD have now increased as synthesis has scaled up, which means larger amounts are now available to purchase and the 1 order per customer limit has now been lifted! A big big thanks to everyone for their pre-orders and patience while orders have been going out in batches. We're now taking normal orders for 1V-LSD which means we're back to our usual fast distribution times, with orders going out the day after payments have been received.

Finally - We're happy to see initials reports from 1V-LSD have been incredibly positive, with many finding the shorter research duration a convenient feature, while still experiencing and benefiting from the classic lysergamide effects after a slightly longer onset.

Germany | 1V-LSD 10mcg Microdosing Pellets & 225mcg Macrodosing Pellets coming soon!

group bg
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We're super excited to announce to release of the final set in our Chemcards collection.

Presenting the Tryptamine collection.

As with our Lysergamide, and dissociatives collection, these are printed on thick premium soft-touch card, this time finished with holographic foil detailing, featuring beautiful and intricate designs for every chemical along with some basic information about the compound in question.

ANy orders for these particular tryptamines will now be shipped along with their corresponding ChemCard for free.

Not interested in researching the chemical in question but still want to get your hands on one of these beauties? Not to worry! The cards are also available to buy individually in our merch store here.

[gallery columns="4" size="medium" ids="55411,55410,55409,55408,55407,55406,55405,55404,55403,55402"]

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Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the Chemical Collective or any associated parties.

THE FAT LADY HAS SUNG - THE GERMAN 2021 NPSG BAN HAS NOW BEEN PUBLISHED We all knew this time would come!! The German NpSG revision has now been published in the Federal Gazette. This means it will come in to law TOMORROW. We will continue taking orders until 13:00 TODAY (Friday 2nd July) however if you pay by Bank Transfer, you MUST send us proof of payment in the form of a screenshot from your banking app BEFORE 5PM for them to be shipped today. Please also send screenshots of crypto payments. WE WILL NOT BE TAKING ANY NEW GERMAN ORDERS AFTER 1PM. ALL PAYMENTS MUST BE CONFIRMED BEFORE 5PM. All German orders that we haven't received payment confirmations for by 5pm will be cancelled. Any payments for German orders received after 5pm will be refunded. All orders and re-ships will be shipped today. Sadly we can not ship them with stickers or ChemCards. Finally, a big big thanks and love from all of us to all our German customers. It's been amazing to get to know you all and be of service to the German community. The last week has been hectic but the many kind messages and notes from our happy customers has kept us going!! We know we're not the easiest to find, but like everything in life, the best things are off the beaten track (and not on the first page of Google searches). Remember, this is not the end for Germany so be sure to keep in touch and follow us on our socials to be the first to know when there are new legal compounds!! From all of us at Team CC <3

Germany | German 2021 NpSG revision has now been published. No more German orders from 1PM 02/07/21

Dissociative ChemCards
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We're really excited to introduce a brand new collection to our exclusive product information cards - aka ChemCards.

Presenting the Dissociative collection, featuring our favourite Dissociative research chemicals past and present!

Just with our Lysergamide collection, these are printed on thick premium soft touch card finished with foil detailing, featuring unique designs for every compound along with the product information.

All orders of 2-FDCK, DMXE, HXE, DCK, O-PCE, 3-HO-PCP, MXPr, MXiPr and 3-MeO-PCE will now be shipped along with their corresponding ChemCard for free. Not interested in researching the chemical in question but still want to get your hands on one of these beauties? Not to worry! The cards are also available to buy individually in our merch store here

[gallery columns="5" size="medium" ids="51903,51904,51905,51906,51907,51908,51909,51910,51911,51912"]

News & Updates | Exclusive Custom Artwork – Dissociative ChemCards Now Available!

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[video width="1920" height="1080" mp4="https://chemical-collective.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/PXL_20210203_113317763_2-1.mp4" loop="true" autoplay="true" preload="auto"][/video]

Lysergamide, Tryptamine and Dissociative ChemCards Now Available Worldwide (no shipping restrictions!)

Our in-house designer
Matt has been working with the very talented Giavanna to put together these exclusive lysergamide information cards (ChemCards) and we couldn't be happier with the results! Wonderfully printed by The Foil Printing Company on premium soft-touch 700gsm card with luxurious copper foil that catches the light just beautifully!

We know this industry will probably not be around forever, and so wanted to give you guys something to remember the good times. These are limited edition, so once they're gone they're gone!

[gallery columns="6" link="none" ids="42090,42088,42079,42089,42086,42091"] All orders of AL-LAD, ALD-52, ETH-LAD, 1B-LSD, 1P-LSD, and 1cP-LSD will now be shipped along with the corresponding information card. Not interested in researching the chemical in question but still want to get your hands on one of these beauties? Not to worry! The cards are also available to buy individually here. Now that the Lysergamide ChemCards are complete, we're working with other artists to create card sets for Dissociatives, Tryptamines, and Phenethylamines [Dissociative and Tryptamine ChemCards are now complete!]. We'll be working with a different artist on each set of cards so that each chemical category has its own unique feel that reflects the character of these compounds. UPDATE: The Lysergamide collection now includes 1cP-AL-LAD!!

ChemCards | Exclusive Chemical Collective product Information Cards!

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